THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA f , COLLEGE OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY bf Iowa City, Iowa . afer % OE te Ari Ae - Geri Le Mm : \ ae (ae ii? PhpRS" ae vie AS G . { xirh Ce \ A. UE ; é / / se ah June 19, 1937 Sa Dre F. C. Allen: Head of Dept. of rhys. Educ. Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Dr. Allen: I am writing to advise you of a change in my summer addresse It will continue to be 426 Bayard St. Iowa City, Iowa. until the end of summer schéol which closes August 8. : * os This morning I accepted a position assisting Dr. *. W. Tuttle in the direction and preparation of Masters theses. Dr. Tuttle has many students doing work under him in the field of physical education and a large number of them expect to graduste in August. Very truly yours, VWL/EHL | () W). ¢ bh