WESTPORT HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION ee G: T. CHUBB INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS AND 315 E 39 Ss BASKETBALL COACH FLORENCE BRADLEY AST TH STREET PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND G. ee INTRAMURAL SPORTS KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI HELEN E. SHULER PHYSICAL EDUCATION VOW. CARP PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTRAMURAL SPORTS D. H. MINER ATHLETIC MANAGER June 14, 1937 Dre Fe Ce Allen Director of the Department of Physical Education Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: Saturday evening I had a conference with Mr. Elbel, of Kansas University. As a result of the conference, I wish to make a formal application for the position which is to be open in your department. As you no doubt recall from my letter last winter, I am much interested in getting into a teacher training institution where it is possible to direct research lead- ing to advanced degrees. My experience consists of five years work in the field of physical education as a teacher and eight years as a student at the State University of Iowa. During my graduate work I was research assistant to Dr. McCloy (Pres. Am. Phys. Educe Ass'n.) and an assistant to W. W. Tuttle (Associate Professor of Physiology) both of this institution. Professionally, I am chairman of the Research Section of the Central District (10 states) of the American Physical Education Association. During the past five years I have presented the following research papers at the Central District meetings: 1. "Pupil Objectives in High School Physical Education," Wichita, 1933. Published. 2. "Likes and Dislikes of High School Boys in Physical Education," Minneapolis, 1934. In press. Se "A Grading System for High School Physical Education," Omaha, 1935. In press. 4. "Absence from School - Influenza - Physical Education," Denver, 1937. In press. In addition to the above articles, I have two technical papers that have been published. They are: 1. "An Analysis of Movement on the Basis of Latent Times and Variabilities." 2. "A Study of Hammer Velocity and the Physical Factors Involved in Hammer Throwing."