April 2, 1941 Mre Frederick We. lang Department of Revenue Atlanta, Georgia Deax Mire Langs I have your letter of Warch 24 enclosing the comnunication from Dre Don Carlos Poetes Dre Peete is one of the outstanding diagnosticians in Kansas City, Missouri, and he also teaches on the faculty of the Mniversity of Kansas Medical School at Rosedale. if he finds the normelizer beneficial he would be in @ position to do you much good with the American Medical Association and other medical associationse I am returning Dre Peete's letter for your filese With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach MAsglg T. GRADY HEAD COMMISSIONER Department of Revemee State af Georgiwx Atlaarta March 24, 1941 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The enclosed letter from your friend Dr. Peete is self explanatory. I just received an inquiry thru you from Clifford Breeding, Coach of “irbyville H.®. at Kirbyville, Texas who requested that one be sent him upon a thirty day trial. Same was sent on Saturday last. I also wrote him a letter. Will you kindly return the Dr. Peete letter. Kindest regards. Sincerely yours, Frederick WM4sang | Apri 12, 1941 Ure Prederick *. Lang 512 State Office Building Deyertment of Revenue Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mrelang: — 7 I heve @ notion that Jinmy Cox does not want to write a_ recommendation regarding your arch nommliser on Rarvard stationerye Jimny is young end I believe that he is afraid that the Harvard people might get on him for writing a testimonial for something of this nature ! I have tried to get this fron Cox for you, but I do not believe that he wants to do its therefore, I am very hesitant in asking again that he do thise I believe that you can understand my situation in the matters I have never had any letter fraa him signifying such | @ Gonviction, but I believe under the conditions that I would be hesitant in askings I am sorry that I cannot do this since I assure you I would be glad to help you in every wy possible. With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach PoAslg IN YOUR REPLY REFER TO Aepariment of Revenwe State of Georgia T. GRADY HEAD, ComMISSIONER Atlanta April 8, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Lawrence Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I hate to trouble you but you might be able to succeed with James Cox where my efforts failed for he would not answer Dr. Myers request for a copy of his statement on his Harvard letterhead. Would you mind writing him saying that your friend Dr. Myers wanted this statement for Gov. Talmadge so that he could include this letter with many similar ones mostly from Physicians) that were intendeg to be sent to the Governors friend and Chief of the Staff, of the U. S. Army, for possible Army use, and adoption. I really want this one letter from Cox as it is a fine tribute to my device only do not let him know that I have read it. I am supposed to get one from the Medical Director of the Pennsylvania R.R. who is sold on its use and then my case is finished. 1 then expect to get Senator ef Wagner of New York to sponsor this for a great friand of mine to whom the Senator is under an obligation to. This man is under an obligation to me so hhe obligations can all be squared at one time. I would greatly appreciate this favor. Kindest regards. Sincerely yours, - Frederi ‘he = 512 State Office Building April id, 1941 Wire Frederick We Lang Forsyth, Georgia Dear lie lange Mire Julius Marks (a jeweler here in Lawrence) desires that you send him one of your footearch normlizers on a S0eday trial. He has been having foot and leg trouble and 1 em very sure that this nommlizer will give him splendid resultse i told him of the great benefit it gave to other UserSe "When this normalizer arrives I will give him sone instructions on using it as he is a neighbor of mines Please send it to Ure Julius Marks, in care of Sol Marks & Son, 817 Messachusetis Street, Lawrence, Kansase Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Uducation and Reoreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FeAslg PeSe I am sending a carbon copy of this letter to your | address in Atlantae Fe Cs Ae Apes 26, 1942 Dear ifre Langs : Your letter of April 21 advising fre Allen that you had sent ee has been receivede fre Allen is out of town at the present time on baseball trips. Your letter will be brought ‘to his ettention as soon as he returnSe : Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Forrest Ce Allen Mepariment of Revenve State of Georgia IN YOUR REPLY REFER TO T. GRADY HEAD, COMMISSIONER Atlanta Apr. 21, 1941 Dear Dr. Allen: Sent the Normalizer via P.P. this day as per your kind suggestion. Tell Marks to send it back in thirty days time if it doesnt do him any good. Give him the enclosed cir- -cirar as you said that you were going to instruct him in its use. Many thanks for your interest in this matter. You are probably right about Jimmy Cox and so I will lets the matter rest. Any way he should thank you for calling this device to his attention for at least it benefitted the Captain of his track team.However I cant make use of the letter which he wrote to my friend Dr, Myers. Sincerely yours, Frederick W.~ Lang | September 2I, 40 Yate Club Vanderbilt Avenue and Forty-fourth Street New York Dear Dr. Allen: Just received vayment from Ohio State Wniversity which jcomes one year late but much better late than er. Enclosed herewith you will find my cheek to cover this item. I em staying in New York with my sister for a visit of a few weeks and my eddress here is 335 Hast 68 St. New York City. You might want to write me direct. I might be able to get them in the N.Y.Yankees Baseball Club, The Yale Club Turkish eth Dept. end with the Trainer of the Yale Football Team. Only because I have contacts in all these places. I find that most people are so busy or dont went to be bothered with anything new unless I have some gooé contact person first. We should received some other checks soon. Sincerely yours, YW ‘haceg Frederick W. Lan Roll Aw ay jg =A Your Foot Troubles | LANG Foot & ARCH NORMALIZER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA Mey 12, I941 4 3 @ 0 CQ 4 ft pte School, Pde ~ r back afte explanation. dt aa je t U 1 1 O r May 25rd, 1941 Frederick W. Lang Leng Foot & Arch Normalizer Co. Forsyth, Georgia Dear Frederick: Your aes of May 12th Subalvek. Sorry Coach Breeding didn't like the Normalizer; ‘epparently he didn't give same a fair trial. Julius Marks is so very enthusiastic over it, that it's diffijoult to understend. Wondering how you are getting along with your new job at the State House. I'm sure you'll be satisfied as well as satisfactory. With kindest personal regards, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and FCA: re Baseball Coach. July 2ist, 1941 Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer Co. Porsyth, Georgia Dear Sir: Yesterday I was playing golf with a neighbor of mine, Er. John Trembly, 750 Mississippi Street, Lawrence, Kensas. I told him what benefits I was receiving from your Leng Foot & Arch Normalizer as well as Er. Julius Marks end Er. Yen Bruner. | 3 I told him that I would write your firm and ask you to mail Mr. Trembly one of your Mormalizers. on a thirty-day- trial; that Er. Trembly was under no obligation to the device unless it was entirely satisfactory to hin. If he did not desire the Normalizer he could mail it back after thirty deys triel without eny cost whetsoever.. : I would appreciate it if you will mail him one at your earliest convenience, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Sducation and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCAsre July 21st, 1941 Mr. John Trembly 730 Mississippi Street City Dear. John: The inclosed copy of my letter to the Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer Co. is self-explanatory. When it arrives, I want to give you a few simple directions. I know that the first time you get on the machine, you'll declare that you can not use it because it feels as though it were scrapping all the tissue off the bone. Although it's of cylindrical form, when you roll your feet over it, the nerves being subcutaneous makes you experience some little pain. Lut, I'1} guarantee after you use it a couple of times there will not be this unpleasantry. On the other hand, the first time you use it you will denote very definite change as regards your feet and legs. Trusting they will get this to you ina short while and that you will get as much benefit from it as I have, I am, with kindest regards. a @ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and : Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Base- FCA: re ball Coach. September 24, 1941. Kr, F. W. Lang, 512 State Office Bldg., Atlanta, Ge Dear Mrs Lang: _ I have your favor of the 15th instant. I am terribly disappointed that you did not send Mr. John Trembly a machine. I am anxious that he have one, and I would appreciate it if you would send one to him at 750 Mississippi Street, Lawrence, Kansas. I played golf with him last Sunday and he seemed te think that I had neglected him. If Trembly doesn't take it I will take it and sell it here in Lawrence. I am sure that I can do that. You asked regarding the remittance on the 7th of July. No, you did not send anything on that date. I had a coaching school in Iowe and the Iowa trainer told me that he had a visit with you. When you have time to breathe you might check up with these high school boys that you have sent normalizers to and if you feel in the mood I would be glad to have any remittance that I am entitled to. You mention the fact that you may have difficulty — in making these machines on account of the war demand for raw materials. Are you thinking ef discontinuing them? This is too valuable a thing to be discontinued. I once wrote you and asked if you would be interested in selling any of the stock. I believe this normalizer is one of the essentials and should not be discontinued. ‘What sort of & proposition do you have? If you should be too busy with your state job perhaps we could organize something, and in my position I believe that we could do some business. I will be interested in hearing from you, but please send Mr. Trembly's machine at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, ee, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Deer Dr. EYLE ot sas fevrhedonde saat 2 TR oe: Settattitecysotrmmen AA ” I i j : Ni j ! B) staulernire as an mc cobyareinnmig aven 7 a3 #3 mene _ = b rele aah a tere — — rip an >; an Mons of Chicago as he sceant es rong one. "t havent many left and when these are gone I doubt if I can get more made on account of the wars demand for raw materials. Re MCFarland Drug man he did takex and pay for three at one time and I remember writing to you about this but my records are at the farm. I am sorry that he didnt sell as many as his daughter thinks for we all would be richer. However I do think that 1 possibly did not ‘settle up with you for one he paid for on 7/7/44. oe know about this. A Trainer from Iowa City said that it was a great. compliment to my device that you liked it for he said that it was rare that you ever endorsed any training equipment. I certainly appreciate your kindness in behalf of my device. Sincerely yours, Frederick W, 5I2 State Office Building Atlanta, Ga. P.S. Also have one out thru your efforts with a high school in College City Kansas CHECK SERVICE DESIRED OTHERWISE CHARGE MESSAGE WILL BE SENT AT FULL RATE ACCOUNT DOMESTIC FOREIGN NUMBER FULL RATE FULL RATE ef 4 t e CASH NO. eeu DAY LETTER CDE RATE . NIGHT LETTER URGENT (ns 5 x CHECK 0 gi 25 or Serine IC Te Car relte (é Qil America Cable SS eee Commercial Cubles Orr ume Tal Cat ear —_— ee vee TOUR-RATE SHIP RADIO. eA Form 2 Send the following message, subject to the Company’s rules, regulations and rates set forth in its tariffs and on file with regulatory authorities September 10, 1941. Mir. Fe We Lang, 512 State Office Bldg., Atlanta, Georgia. Dear Mr. Lang: Did you send en arch normaliser to John Tresbly? If haven't heard from Treubly and I want to kmow if you sent it and if he sent it back to you. I wish you would send an arch normaliser on thirty days’ trial to Mr. Harry #. Mons, Hill-Clarke Machinery Company, 649 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Mons’ son married my daughter last Saturday evening here in Lawrence. The groom's parents came to Lawrence for the wedding and while here last Sunday I demonstrated the arch normalizer to Mr. Mons. He is very anxious to have you send him one on thirty deys' trial. Mr. MeFarlend, the druggist at Topeka, I am told by his daughter Jean who is the fiancee of my son, has sold a number of the arch normalisers besides the first shipment that you © cage I am wondering if this is true, and how many he has sold. I will be happy to hear from you. Sincerely yours, Direster of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Saseball Coache iN YOUR REPLY REFER TO Atlanta Heparvtment off Repenue StAte of Georgia J. M. FORRESTER. ComMISSIQNER Sept. 5th. Dear Dr. Allen: Many thanks for your plug at the recent Coaching Convention in Dowa. I have already heard from one of them Offenbacher rincipal and Coach at College Springs, Iowa. Sent him one on trial. Kindest regards. I am so busy at this time of the year that 1 had to cancel my trip to Washing ton. Sincerely yours, Frederick W. Lang Fie SC ft OY Poe ; e 5 Os 5 ae. Mr. F. W. Lang 512 State Building Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Lang, I received a letter from Mr. H. W. Mons of Chicago. He wants to pay for his arch normalizer. Will you please send him a bill? FcA/pg Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreati Varsity Basketball Coach on TIE Harmen ase) ah Centre os Sept. 30, 1941 Mr, F. W. Lang (512 State Office Building Atlenta, Georgia Dear Mr. Lang, Thank you for your letter of the 26th instant which came to my attention this morning. I am not in a position to offer you money for a share in your company, but I thought perhaps if your factory is at a stand- still we might make an arrangement whereby the equipment could be shipped here and perhaps we could start production of the normalizers at this end. Of course I imow nothing of your dies or pieces of machinery, but I thought that perhaps I could promote the normalizer and boost the sales considerably. . ; We could continue it in your name, or, if you preferred, use yours and mine together. . | With the munitions factories and other defense puisieheaubiing a - gonsiderable group of people out of employment, it might be possible for us to use some of these persons who might be trained in this worke I feel that the normaliger is a very important item in this defense program. Write me a little more information about your equipment and let me know what you think about my suggestion of the two of us working together on the proposition of production and prea en of the nor- malizer. | Sincerely, ‘ Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach 5I2 State Sffice Building Atlanta, Georgia September 26, I94I Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, Director Dept. of ducation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Your letter of “eptember e4th. just received. As per your request I have just sent a machine to your friend John Trembly, via Railway Express. From a former letter of yours I did not gather that he wanted one very badly. Frankly I havent been able to attend to this lit- -tle business for the reason that my State work is a real mans sized job. have to take care of over two hundred million dollars worth of assessed valuations of utility property. I have been tired out and my blood pressure dropped to IOI. Now I am taking all day Saturday and Sun- -day out in the open, generally riding my horse on my farm and feel better already. You and I and about three thousand other users know what benifits have been derived from the use of my foot mach- ine, but even if I, Fred Lang,had the time, it would be a difficult thing for Lang to sell a product under his own name. My present company is a lawfully operating company in Georgia but is not a stock company. Frankly I know that you could do a lot more with this thing than I have done. I am open for a proposition. Give it a little thought and let me hear from you, I believe that this thing is ready now for an order from both the U. S. Army and Navy. Both Athletic Departments are using it. The joker is how to get the order. It can be done, but the trick is how? In ny last letter to you I was tired and looked for an excuse for not making any more machines. Aluminum end band pieces might not be obtainable but they can be made of many other materials and nickled or chrome plated. Drop me a line when you find time. With kindest regards. Yours sincerely, Frederick Wy ) October 16, 1941 Ur. Fe We Lang of Revenue State of Georgia Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Lang, Thank you for your letter of the 9th instant enclosing checks I em sorry that I didn't get your letter a little bit sooner. I called Gene Tunney at St. Louis, Mos three days before your letter arrived, I know Mir. Tumney pretty well and have had quite a bit of correspondence with him. The purpose in calling Mr, Tummey was to call to his attention a very able young man who is Athletic Director at our high school who desired to apply to his group for eppointment as an athletic director for the navy. The young man drove to’ St. louis and was accepted. Gene Tunney came on to Kansas City and took some more of my boys and the boys said he spoke very kindly of me. But, I . would not care td contact him so soon after this experience because he might think there was some connection between the — two situations. a A program of promoting this normalizer would have a lot of problems and would require the time and the attention of a | young, active fellow who could put most of his time into ite . _@f course the earnings of such a venture would be slow and “gomeone would have to pay the salary and expenses of this young man. This, of course, is where the rub comes in. It ‘takes money to make moneys Would you kindly write me and give me a background of your industry. Just how much have you invested in the dyes,. the wood, and other materials? Personally, I do not know whether this is the time for the promotion of anything of this nature on account of the government's restriction on small industry. _ However, there will be people out of work due to defense — priority and it seems to me if we can help out this general unemployment by giving employment and also improving the health of the mation it is up to us to do something. ‘ , I gather thet you're feeling much better. You owe it to yourself to get out doors two day: a week. In this way you will raise wo ; - your blood pressure to normal and ym will, enjoy Life which you so richly deserve. | With kindest regards and: best wishes = an oe Sincerely yours, y Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation PCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach IN YOUR REPLY REFER TO Department of Revenue State of Georgia J. M. FORRESTER,. ComMISSIONER | Atlanta _ October 9, 1941 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, Director Dept. Physical Haucation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Be: Allen: I just received a check from Harry Mons of Chicago. I am enclosing herewith my check for this one and one sold thru McFarland Drug Co. last July whick I had lost track of. This one is at the rate of two dollars as I had to pay Mc -Farland s four dollar commission, so you and I each make two eentnre after oats is taken care of. I am sending a bill to the Coach of College fexrk-HiSprings High School, lowa for one sold thru your recommendation. Your suggestion is not at all a bad one regarding making the machines in Kansas and when ! use up my present stock of machines I will give this serious consideration. Now I have an idea and I want to see how it strikes vou “ene Tunney is now Athletic Yirector of the United "tates Navy and tam wondering if you would care to call to his attention your experience with the use of my machine. If this were to be adopted by the “avy they could use a lot of them. Both the Army and “avy that is the U.S, Military Academy and the Naval Academy “thletic Associations use my machine in their training quarters. How does this sugsestion strike you? 1 om feeling better now as I am makeing a habit of going home to my farm on Fridays and am setting two days a week outdoors. In this way I have raised my blood pressure from one hundred to one hundred eighteen. With kindest regards, I am, Sincerely yours, Frederick W 4 ane ESN October 23, 1941. 512 State Office Pldce, Atlenta, ne Dear Mr. Langs t have received a letter from Mrs He We Mons, of Chicago, who says that recently when he ed on Dr. larson, an. osteopath at one of the Chicage suburbs, he showed him the Lang foot and arch normalizer, and Dr. Larson is going to recmuaend 1¢ fos patient of his who has considerable trouble ' with her feet. . Bo. te fate can see that Vr. Mons is really an enthusiastic Sincerely yours, : | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:sAH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Couche . 33 BR ate ti eae bia oan. on Sh te re wre pga aa ayste reas sols Pit aaa SN Aaa aati Samy ‘ ead hea eit Sa Neale OTRO 5 GUE eo Mt ‘ NN ' ; ' | a NN : : x ; 4 : h f 1 i ag November 15, 1941 Mr. Pe Wa Lang nt of Revenue State of Georgia Atlanta, Ga. Dear Mr. Lang, I just had a conference with Dean E.B. Stauffer upon his return. Dean Steuffer states that he would be very happy to talk with you but it would be of little or no benefit. Dean Stauffer is secre-. tary of the Committee of Classifications of Universities and Colleges of the Association of American Universities. Dean Stauffer stated to me that the committee's action was merely transmitted to him and he gives to the newspapers only the information that he receives from them. 3 Dean Stauffer further stated thet should you come to visit him he could only refer you to Dean Fernandus Payne of University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana. Dean Payne is chairman of the committee and Dean Stauffer is secretary. Dean Stauffer is not a member of that executive committee that made the findings. He is merely the sec- retery whe dees the secretarial work. : Dean Stauffer states that this association does not meet again until next year and there is ne great hurry because since they meet but onee a year there is no opportunity to have a special meeting. So I believe, Mr. Lang, that if you could have some connection that would bring you in contact with Dean Fernandus Payne at Indiana Uni= | versity it would be much more efficacious. I regret that I am unable to be of any serfice to you in this con- nection. ae If Governor Talmadge should want you to come up and if you are coming to help yourself with the Governor, of course I would be glad to have you talk with Dean Steuffer and I could arrange an audience for youe Dean Stauffer is a very fine and generous gentleman, but in this case I amvery sure that he would only give you the information that he gave me. Since you have one man te convince this committee, then I believe your purpose could be accomplished much better through Dean Payne than through Dean Stauffer. Assuring you that it is always a pleasure to be of service to you and trusting thet in the future I may be of more constructive help I am with kindest personal regards | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach November 29, 1941. Mr. Frederick ". Lang, Forsyth, Georgia. ‘Deer Hr. Langs Dr. We We. Parker, the president of Southeast Missouri Will you please write Dr. Parker and see that he gets prompt attention in this shipment? matter i trust that Governor Talmadge and you are getting the straightened out about which you called. [If I can be of any service at any time, please command mo. Sincerely yours, Direster of Physical Education and Recreation, POCA:AH Varsity Besketball and Baseball Coach. December 4, 1941. Director of Physical Rdueation and Recreation, FCAs‘sH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches 3 a ELL TT Atlanta WLC jar Pele) Hila k po pe Mis cathea wnt, ao wae = January 8, 1942. Mire PF. We State Office Building, Atlenta, Georgia. Dear Ure Langs Thank you for your note of the 5th instent aw check for the normalizser gcpcina by Dre We W. Parker. t do not mow John Kelly, Director of U. S. pinsechselt andr ipeeuate 1k gon whet tenn find out about him. ick cas dak X dead Seen ts ek end that you are feeling fine agein.s With best wishes, IT an Sincerely yours, pireeter of Physical Biuoation and Recreation, PCA :AH : Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Ack jo Mer her pet ¥ Seder toe Or.