September 2I, 40 Yate Club Vanderbilt Avenue and Forty-fourth Street New York Dear Dr. Allen: Just received vayment from Ohio State Wniversity which jcomes one year late but much better late than er. Enclosed herewith you will find my cheek to cover this item. I em staying in New York with my sister for a visit of a few weeks and my eddress here is 335 Hast 68 St. New York City. You might want to write me direct. I might be able to get them in the N.Y.Yankees Baseball Club, The Yale Club Turkish eth Dept. end with the Trainer of the Yale Football Team. Only because I have contacts in all these places. I find that most people are so busy or dont went to be bothered with anything new unless I have some gooé contact person first. We should received some other checks soon. Sincerely yours, YW ‘haceg Frederick W. Lan