IN YOUR REPLY REFER TO Department of Revenue State of Georgia J. M. FORRESTER,. ComMISSIONER | Atlanta _ October 9, 1941 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, Director Dept. Physical Haucation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Be: Allen: I just received a check from Harry Mons of Chicago. I am enclosing herewith my check for this one and one sold thru McFarland Drug Co. last July whick I had lost track of. This one is at the rate of two dollars as I had to pay Mc -Farland s four dollar commission, so you and I each make two eentnre after oats is taken care of. I am sending a bill to the Coach of College fexrk-HiSprings High School, lowa for one sold thru your recommendation. Your suggestion is not at all a bad one regarding making the machines in Kansas and when ! use up my present stock of machines I will give this serious consideration. Now I have an idea and I want to see how it strikes vou “ene Tunney is now Athletic Yirector of the United "tates Navy and tam wondering if you would care to call to his attention your experience with the use of my machine. If this were to be adopted by the “avy they could use a lot of them. Both the Army and “avy that is the U.S, Military Academy and the Naval Academy “thletic Associations use my machine in their training quarters. How does this sugsestion strike you? 1 om feeling better now as I am makeing a habit of going home to my farm on Fridays and am setting two days a week outdoors. In this way I have raised my blood pressure from one hundred to one hundred eighteen. With kindest regards, I am, Sincerely yours, Frederick W 4