Deparhuent of Revere State of Georgi T. GRADY HEAD COMMISSIONER A tlaarta March 3, I94I1 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Many thanks for the enclosed letter which came with your recent letter to me. 1t should do me some good and will be my final effort. The enclosed copy of a letter just sent to Mr. Glenn will explain this matter. I am sending out so few machines I can easily remember each one. Possibly now that I am in Atlanta five days @ week my mail to Forsyth is not reaching me as it should. I received the order for your baseball team and had it mailed out this Am morning also the bill for same in duplicate. I shall have to attend mailing off the one for your friend the doctor when I get back to Forsth this aturday as I only had one at my farm. I have plenty of machine made up put they are in the shop in town.! am now happy for ? am busy. Kindest regards. Sincerely yours, Frederick ee