T-GRADY HEAD COMMISSIONER Department of Revenue State of Georgin Atlaarta March 13, I94I Dg. F. C. Allen, Director Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: ‘ : \ In response to an inquiry of my friend Dr. Martin T. Myers, Medical Consultant of the Crippled Childrens Division of the Dept. of Public Welfare upon the instructions of Governor Talmadge, a letter was just received by him from your friend James Cox, Trainer at Harvard. This was an extremely fine testimonial. Dr. Myers would like to have this placed upon the “arvard letterhead so that it‘could be better presented to the Governor. With thought in view would you be kind enough to write Dr. Myers a letter of introduction to your friend Cox, Please enclose such letter to me. Please accept my thanks in advance for your kind attention to this matter. |; Kindest regards, I am, Sincerely yours, JW Frederick W>Lang, Director Public Utilities ‘+ax Unit