Sealine a: e pleasure to m6~_ dentists as well as the high school: football and basketball coaches ones John's family is very wealthy as they ow all the utilities in that town. He sould place one with the high | school coaches and doubtless with the dentists and other people there. want you to lmow that John Glem thoroughly believes in he uses it each night and mornings Our family was guests in their home and I demonstrated the larger uses of the machine for John Glenn ard his mothere He would appreciate a letter fron you end Tt am sure that you would make several salese “at | Glenn is e graduate of Northwestern University and the Roger Babson School of Business in Bostone Tell Glenn about your - ‘Peception at the Walter Reed hoépital and your contact with the - Surgeon Generale He interested in that, : What about MoFarland in Topeka? He was. very enthusiastic about the device. Has he sold any? ‘ I agree with you that the Tems schools are always alow Pay, but I belisve they are cood.s 7 Any way that I can help boost your sales will always be a Very cordialiy yours, sapgea eS . Diwector of Physical Rduoation and Recreation renite °°" Varsity Basketball Coach ts co z : og: 5 2 + ¢