August 29, 1941. Mise Ruth Baker, Lebo, Kansas. ‘Dear Miss Baker: by sene to wei Hag Wn Wakao, although my late acknowledgment of your postoard dated July Sth might indicate such a fact. However, the Catskill Mountains are nearer your abode than mind. 7 I finished our eight weeks Summer Sesaion here on August 6th, and then went up to Iowa at the Iowa State High Scheol Athletic Coaches Association master coaching school in which Clark Shaughnessy of Stanford, Bernie Bierman of Minnesota, Henry Iba of Oklahoma A, & M., and I taught 325 enterprising young high school coaches the theories of basketball end football, some of wich were supposed to work and some perhaps which will never wrke Our summer playground here was the most successful of eny year thet we heve promoted it. It is getting to be quite an institution now and not only is the talk of the tom but the fame is spreading over the state and elsewhere. Next year we hope to in- corporate Lewn Bowls in our expanding progrem. So busily were wo engrossed here that not only did I not co east, but I got only 40 miles eway and that was to Kansas - City once during the eight weeks one night to see the Blues play. Our weather here during the sumer has been marvelous. I am addressing this letter to your home tow of red roofs, at least that is the way it looks from highway /50 as we speed toward Emporia or Wichita. But I remember that I spent one whole night in Lebo and it was a very hospiteble town. I went down with Rev. Hunt to deliver an athletic banquet talk and we were snowed in so completely that we stayed all the next day. So I can see why you live so long in Lebo. People just naturally stay there a long time and if their inclinations are otherwise Mother Nature fixes it I imagine that you are going back to Battle Creek. We will be glad to see you and say hello if you should come on Mount Oread before you go back. We are very proud of the success that you ere making and we trust thet you will continue to climb. \ Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.