New York City - _ Dear Mire lang: I acimowledge reseipt of your favor of the llth instant, In regard to McFarland, you handle the situation gust any way you want, end whatever you think is fair will be agreeable to més. , I imagine business conditions over the commtry are bad, due to the high taxese As we think of Inglend and sone of those other cowmtries, it looks as if the war situation will eat us all up, but I do not Imow anys ‘thing else we can do under the conditions, I would rather have. our : taxes eat us.up than have the Neinies over there do ites : : | Congratulations on ability to get your normalizer in the Pennsylvaina Railroad, General Foods end the Union Carbide Corporations If you can crash the subway also it would be an additional feather in ‘your Cape I can appreciate how reticent &dninistrators are in spending money now with so much going ovt and so little coming ine es if I were you I would write Elwyn Dees, and tell him what Kelly of Texas had to say and also tell him about West Pointe Dees told me that he was waiting to get his medical room all fixed up before he ordered one, but I told him I would not wait for that because it is such a small device that he sould fit it in anywhere, I believe if you will write him you will get an ordere I would suggest that you send him a normalizer on a thirty=day ‘trial, and tell him you want him to try it out, and if it does not prove satisfactory he may send it backs Im this my he could take no offense and At would cost you nothings : | | : Yes, I did notice your ad on page 15 of the Southern Coach and Athlete. Doubtless the good that you will get out of this will be that the coaches will see in what schools your normilizer is being useds ab it will take a follow-up by someone to call their attention to the fact that the normalizer is helpfule This may be the first line of defense to break through, by using these names, and the people may be interested in them but not interested enough to buy a normalizers Maybe if scmeone else mentions it, they will say, “Why yes, I remember sceing where it was used==" and so | forthe So I am hoping that you have some luck with your ads : Persomlly, I believe that. sould sell a lot of these, but natura Ly I do not have the time, ‘ Pee | ee