e I BS tt a E walking up the street showing a limp | him ones Please address him as Mre Charles MoCreight, o/o the ® Frank Strong Mall, University of Kansas, He will it oma Page Two Octe 14, 1940 his right foots I asked hin ltrs CoFs MoCreight, of our University of Kansas Business Office, I told him about the normlizer and and Van the uble and he told mo. said he had been talling to Van Bruner out at the Coumtry Clu sai @ it helped hime I told MeCreight I would write you and have you — thirtyeday trial but I am very sure he will lwop it efter he tries it outs last Saturday Miss Maxine Jo Woody of the Physical Education Department, Tyandoste High School, Kansas City, Kansas, was in my office, She has she write youe If you do not hear from her in been having arch trouble and I gave her your address and suggested ‘ : you write her, telling her that I gave you hor namo and told her about th z¢ a i 8 : Ee ag¢ te i Pe oh a8 i FCAtig f y trial proposition, I em sure she will find much benefit the normalizers — 3 : : ‘— § 3 Z took Miss Woody out to the have in use, aud gave her directions how to fran here I told her also to speak to Miss Darnett, who is head Physical Sducation Department for women in the Wyandotte High School. you write Miss Woody you might mention it would be a fine thing if | Barnett sould put one in her corrective room there at the High Schools Sehool is ome of the largest and finest in this part of the countrys When you get correspondence from Miss Woody and Miss Barrett : ask who is head of the men’s department theree There has been a tely so I think it would be best to write the women first and then head of the men's departaents You might tell him we are using lizer here et the University of Kansas, and if the women's Y the Wyandotte Nich School use it the men should have one also, especially football and basketball groupse The basketball coach is Mre Dlbl, t am not sure who is heading up their Physical Education Departacnte This should give you some leads to work one | With all good wishes, I an, ao | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edusation and Recreation Varsity Pasketball Coach :