Roll Away Your Foot Troubles : od wh LANG Foot & ARCH NORMALIZER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA December 20, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Yours of the I3th. inst. was received. Many thanks for the information contained in seme. Would you mind writing to your friend, Earl Thompson track coach at the U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, M.D. stating your experience with my device and the fact that it is now being used by some twenty five of the leading college trainers and coaches among whom are Lawson Rebinsen Robertson ef trach coach of the U.S. Olympic and U. of Penn. Asking him if he would make a three months free test of my machine and thet if it proves satisfactory the price is ten dollars. You might state that I requested you as a great favor to me to try to get one of my machines in the Naval Academy as I had no friendly contact there. You might state that : I-have had one in use with the football trainer at the U.S Military Academy for the past two vears, I was in hopes of getting in some of our checks so that we could have them for Amas but perhaps they will come in before the first of the year. Possibly Jimmy Coax has put thru my b211 at Harvard and they might be slow pay. Gov. Talmadge is one of my best friends. Later on in Januavry I am going to ask you to write him a letter so that it will cause him to investigate into the merits of my device with a view to having him forward his finding on to the War Dept. in Wash. If I can get this thing considered by someone other than the Surg. Gen.(who plays ball with the Am. Med. Ass) I can do business. Let me know what Earl Thompson says. With best wishes for a Merry mas. Sincerely yours, Frederick W. wait