Roll Away Your Foot Troubles | SS & LANG Foot & ARCH NORMALIZER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA June 29, 1940 Dear Dr. Allen: Yours end enclosed letter of McFerlend received. Meny thanks for same. I an delighted that he has received so much benefit thru its use. I meiled him a bill so suppose that I will hear from him soon. If he should handle them thru his stores I will have to figure with you on a percentage. He might even go one step further ad get his parent company the United Drug Co. to hmdle it for their chain. That would amonnt to something. I sent all the data amd a sample machine to your friend A.A.Schabinger of the Basketball Educat- -ional Buresu md suppose thet in the fall we might get some results from him, as basketball is dead in the summer. Do you know of my way that we could get this in ' the U.S.4rmy under the physical athletic end. It cannot go in under the Physical Therapy Department of the Depertment of “edicine for the reason that it is not approved by the American Medical Assn. I tried to get it approved md could not. Kindest regards. Sincerely yours, WW ha Frederick W. Lang