Roll Away Your Foot Troubles he LANG FOooT-ARCH EXERCISER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA Dear Dr. Allen: HOV. i, 2° 9 Through your good efforts I just received a definate orter *rom the University of Texas, signed bv ’.W,Kellev. Tt is oine forward this day. IT am now having both poplar, red gum and also maple trees cut and sawed and kiln dried enough to make manv thousands of Normalizers so that I will have enough to last for a few vears and alwavs intend to have raw materials ahead. Yesterday I got an order from one of the Frecutives of the American Red Cross for persoanl use and am going to ret a test with their workers, so it came sooner than I expected. Am laying plans to get credit from West Point if I am correct I believe they are using my machines. I dont like their attitude. I am plugging away. Regards. FWT ‘lie