: I will seo thet the arch nomalizer that you sent Miss Darling is returned or paid fore As I told you, gar boys ate at the coffee shop and Miss Tarling was on-her '. feet & greet deal there. I told her about the normalizer, | She bas just weitten me sending me the bili. I will see a tint the pomaliser ie retumed or tint it is paid for. ! os Tam going to Kansas City tonorrow ond I will "contact lise Marling and lliss Curtis, who wnted to use it, - ‘and ses what they want todo about it, ‘If they do not want Ce ; er : | Golliege, yimundd ay Gn By ad tates wat be a Ge a He is a very good friend of mine and you ean use a. Ne is also basketball coach at id Colleges I would suggest timt you ask Hickox ‘ = of the questions that you want to ask and he wil be able to furnish the nemes of the people at § dnd of course he Imows 411 of the Springfield graduates. pent 2 The mae at Oe Gadi 2 chgdtend ae” ; ue A Aisalte ap hae Ou B. ac obec Tam also acu — eee ee | oS "ath al good wishen, 1 Ten | fory einacraly yours, rector of Physical Eduention end Recreation, FOAsAT x oe | } ; \