LANG FOOT : ARCH -NORMALIZER ROLLS AWAY YOUR FOOT TROUBLES For the: rst at in thrde months, I walked out of the store: today with feet that felt like’ feet. (Sales Lady, Atlanta.) For years I fave wahterot frcm sore- ness in the calves of my legs and hips. I have been free from,pain now for the first time in years. All due to your “‘Nor- malizer’. (Nationally known: Motion Picture Scenario es Santa Monica, Calif.) . Up to May. 1935, due | an seoitent two years ago, I was unable to stand un- assisted upon either foot, and unable to walk without difficulty and limping. After three months’ use of your Normal- izer can now stand upon either foot and walk without limping. (Auto Parking Station Operator, Brooklyn, New York.) Before using your Normalizer both feet pained like an old fashioned tooth- ache. After three months’ use, I am play- ing tennis twice a week from one to four hours at a time. Wishing you great suc- cess with your ‘“painkilling’’ device. (Barber, Piedmont Hotel, Atlanta.) I have used your device with real sat- isfaction. (Doctor, New York.) I consider it a good piece of apparatus and use it frequently in my clinic. (Doc- tor, Newark, New Jersey.) I have had extremely gratifying re- sults with same, and wish you the great- est success. (Doctor, Macon, Georgia.) - _ After four months’ use I feel with the results thus far obtained that your de- vice can do more to break up adhesions, place the arches in normal position, and develop the muscles and ligaments of the foot than anything I have as yet seen. (President, Georgia State Board of Chiropractic Examiners.) There is no doubt that muscular tone of the foot and leg is tremendously im- proved and articular motion is definitely enhanced. (ex-President, Eastern Osteo- pathic Association, New York City.) Your little device is so simple it is as- tonishing the results that it accomplishes. (Treasurer Mfg. Corp., Havana, III.) I have completely removed that tired feeling and thru its daily use am strength- ening my arches. (Editor, Walking Mag- azine, New York City.) I have tested your machine and am satisfied that it would be of great benefit to officers and others suffering from flat feet. (Chief of Police, Atlanta, Ga.) In my opinion your device deserves great praise. I shall be pleased to recom-