Order just received from one A.E.Hewkinson of 4%°5 Holmes, Kanses City, Mo. together with his check.therefore the enclosed check of mine to you. He probably heard of the Normalizer from some of» your students or some satisfied user in vour territorv, We w4ll now get many orders thru the advertising of satisfied users, I told you that all orders from vour district “Hie would he credited to your efforts. I still think the hest wav to make a success of ny business is to plav fair. I am eettine e lot of pleasure out of plugging away at this thine.. How about selling your local Police Department, I would like to take the Bernarr McFadden welk next spring of 350 miles and wear a pair of eds if I coulé work up » proposition with the U.S.Rubber Co, believe thet we covrld both help one another This would have to come about in a gradual way.