Novenber 6, 19896 - iy ; aH an also dropping 8 note to litlton vie cans Veit ae ee oe ae ae oe Only Inet et the Uni ony 20 wean abba $3°4 Hu is phialhs i nin wit a tl : ei le Regarding the West Point proposition, if I were you I would either male Then adekt semvthing or 7 let them pay for the machines : v ‘lee 4s ome more Guat I would Lite to make ee ee ee re Oe te ites Weert tektcen, secretary, 8 See Sine I would either mike them admit something or I would let thea pay for the machines : Pend Here is one more request that I woule like to make eel. that you can do ite ‘The mother of Mrs. Alberta the West Point proposition, if I were you Mrse Hulteen’s sister is secretary to Dr. Powell, one With ell good wishes, I em Very sincerely yours, 3 3 Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA All | Varsity Basketball Coache Roll Away Your Foot Troubles LANG FooTt-ARCH EXERCISER Co. Allen: FORSYTH, GEORGIA November 9, 79. Deer Dr. Enelose check from Dean Swarthout acct just paic. Am sending Farl Chapman a bill now as he has had the N. for over a month. Am sending you a N. this dey for your Secretarys mothers use. I hope that it does her a lot of good. Tell her to observe a good diet, exercise moderately if she can, and to be sure to have her teeth, tonsils and intestins checked. To drink lots of water and Lemonade with very little sugsr added. of j Made a sale to an Exueitive member of the Atlanta Red Cross and sent her one gratis for the use of the Red Cross members. They like it and use it she told me yesterday. Might set othervsales thru this. Will write the letters as per your suggestion. How about your ploice department in Lawrence and Kansas City. They would be fine for the men on. the force. FWL He is the resident Phvsician at Dr. Darwin J. Nagel M.D Hotel Pennsylvania =~ oC New York Citv December 5th. 1936 Mr. F. W. Lang Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer Forsyth, Va. Dear Mr. Lane: ***KKKKK T only wish that I could recommend your device more frequently, but orthopedic conditions are so much out of my line, that Il have little ovportunity to avail myself of the chance to do you a good turn. 5 I have had one patient, a lady from London, who for years has been under the care of the best Urthopedic Surgeons of England, for muscular strain of both legs. But she did not respond to any of their treatments. She took the Lang Normalizer which ‘you left with me back to London. Let me cuote from her letter of September 1]4, I976. "T went to say how much better my knees are and what a relief it is. I am grateful to you for your advice and for that splendid Normal- -izer. The relief is wonderful efter several years of discomfort”. Kindest regards, etc. Sincerely yours, i cee M.D. ? II Nevada St. Worcester, Mass Nov. 25, J936 Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer Co. Forsyth, Georgia Gentlemen: Lest December when Dr. Martin W. Pretorius was here in Worcester, J told him about the awful trouble I was hevineg with my feet. He advised me to trv vour Normalizer, which I did. I cant possibly express in a letter how much good the Normalizer has done me, I had doctored with Specialists in — Worcester and Boston, and had even been to Canada to see Dr. Locke twice, but nothing seemed to help. But after using the Normel- -izer for nine months, I hardly know I have feet. Could anything be grander? I wish that I could tell the whole world how much I have been benefited. Wishing you great success with vour product, I an, Sincerely yours, This letter has been copied exectliv from the originel, which was in long hand end the exact signature was photosraphed. Novenber 9, 1939. Director of Physical Education and. Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach. PCAs AH Roll Away Your Foot Troubles LANG FooT-ARCH EXERCISER Co. Dear Dr. Allen: FORSYTH, GEORGIA Nov. 6, 39 Enelosed you will find check re Loomis. He kent one machine and liked it but could not sell the other one and he savs that he is returning it. He wrote me inouviring as to how T was selling it and thoucht that he might be able to do something re advertising ete. I am afraid that it sounds like spending a lot of money but I answered his letter iust the same. If thru anv of vour contacts I am able to do anvthing J will con- -~sult you first in order to give you your proper share of anvthine that might accrue thru your efforts. Have just sent Chapman a bill as he hes had the N. the full thirty dav period. You still have some others that will be due soon. TI havent had any more letters from your trainers or coaches except the Teyas man. Regards. FY iL e@ /- RB 9- Ve Roll Away Your Foot Troubles — LANG FOOT-ARCH EXERCISER Co. Dear Dr. Allen: FORSYTH, GEORGIA’ + Nov Ith, Yours of the 9th received, Have alreadv «ritten +o Nees and Cor and sent them circular literature with tetters. of endorsement etc, Re Cox , on Oct. 2% I sent one to Asst. Coach of Harvaré Pich, Harlow, but because you wrote to Cox and know him if he takes Ft I will consider it your sale and will pay Swede Olsson 8 commission too. He onlv knows a limited number of Coaches as he is onlv 4 youngster. He has them on trial with the football coaches st who are close personal friends of his at: Brown, Catholic, Fordham, Columbia, Georgetown, George Washington, Geereete Alabama, Boston U.. Detroit U Marvland U., Niagara, Albright, Ohio State. Their are two hundred more football coaches whom he does not know. Also Washington Redskins Pro. Football Club. They are really trvine it out seriously according to some of Swedes friends on that team where he pleved for five vears. Now-all this college stuff is nothing more than a build up for the real business which should follow. I want to reach the industrial field. I have made a start with the greatest company of them all, The New York Telephone and Telegraph Co. I have heen t~vine for a chanc® with the Ford Motor Co. for the past two years. I sot it last Friday. One of my best friends knew the Asst. Mer. of one of the big branches. That does not say that it is in the bag but even tho their local Ford Doctor likes it couldnt get to first base without this mans kindlv help. I also want to reach the big AGéeident and Health Insurance Companies. I am a real Trishman. I love mv. friends more than monev #nd those who help me are never forgotten. Do you think that it would be a sood thine for vou to select a particular coach of Track to trv to interest Track Coaches and Trainers We might make more in the end. However that looks like 9 emall field, We could rearrange the commission end of it for this purpoce, Tr you get any other new thoughts on this subieect drop me a line. Tt is a pleasure to work with vou, and T am trvine not to crocs the ~4frre, Regerrds. FWL. I will write letters of incvirv to all whom have been sold in your partb of the country. Will eive them a little more time, Expect to get Earl C. check very soon I sent him a bill. ified Hct ni i: is | : ai oF iif i a a i | i opaee aq Be | ny a fa aut wed i He Hil aya! ah 2 ie a aL foe b yay 8 neq enae F oe. Ae ie a November 15, 1939.5 lire Fe We Langs RS Doar Mrs Langs | 22 you siaais intl 6 ich ll tales hematin Aa is ite ig ‘Stouite, of the Stoults-Remll ing Stark, Oey Meee PENER Thy, Leonid, Det iis Ghote Se exe of the Yeading Qreciete have end he has been having a great deal of trouble with hts archess Yesterday moon I told him of the great benefit thet I bed from this arch normealizer and he has asked that I write you and hve you sené him one on thirty days trial, I am sure tint he will c : experience great benefit fran the use of this michingee Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical biveation and Reorentin, FOAsAH ~ Varsity Basketimll Coach. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence ‘Department of Physical Education November 15, 1939. Dear Coach My, how time flies! It seems but a short time ago when we were to« gether at Atlanta for a lot of fun with our football and basketball problems. Ido not know of a more enjoyable occasion than the time I spent at Atlanta during the coaching clinic. While at Atlanta I met Mr. F. W. Lang, of Forsyth, Georgia, the man who spoke on the roofgarden of the Hotel Ansley on Wednesday night during the time that Wilbur Hutsell and I spoke on treatment of athletic injuries. Mre Lang also spoke on tho benefits of his foot and arch normalizer. He got me to try one out on my feet that day and I want to tell you that I have never had anything that has meant se much to basketball players so far as their feet are concernede I had been having seme arch difficulty due to my pivoting and pounding in demonstrating fundamentals in the coaching school there during my coaching work. My feet were tired; in fact, I wondered at times if I would be able to carry on with the same zip and pep that I had done previouslys I used this normalizer and get immediate relief by the weight of my body pressing upon this rolling cylinder. This caused the bones of the plantar arch to be worked back into shape normally, and of course that relieved the nervous tension caused by aching arches. So impressed was I with this normal- izer that I ordered two for the Physical Education Department (one for tho men and one for the women), and one for the basketball squad. We have been getting great service from these normalizers, and I personally wanted to tell you of this aide Mre Lang a sked if I would write you and tell you about his machine. Here is his propositions. He will prepay tha pestage to you fer one of these normalizers for your inspection and trial use of thirty days. If at the ond of thirty days you do not care for it, if you will write him he will pay the return postage and there is no obligation. if after thirty days use you feel that you want this machine it will cest you $10.00 with no additional amomt for postage. I consider this one of the cheapest and most efficient aids to the training and treating room in the basketball quartorse. Personally, I would not be without one, and if I could not purchase another at the price of $10.00 I would not take $50.00 for the one that I keep in my bedroom. I rell my fect on it a hundred timos both morning and nighte | Personally I would like to know how you are progressinge I would like to hear from youe I wish for you all the happiness and success possibloe Our basketball season starts soon and I am hoping that the fates will be kind to you and to uSe With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Diroctor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA :.\H Varsity Basketball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Department of Physical Education November 15,~1939¢ DearCoach Last August at Goorgia Tech, at Atlanta, Georgia, I conducted a basketball clinic for the Georgia Coaches Association. During my visit there I moet Mr. F. We Lang, the invontor of the Lang Foot and Arch Normalizer. This normalizer is the nost ingenious little rolling pin device built on a watchet that J have cver scene The weight of your body irons the bones of the foot and arch back into their normal place and gives you immediate foot relicf, The basketball player depends on his feet more than any other athlcte because he takes such a severe pound~ ing on tho floor, If the fcet are in good shape the player definitely goes placose Personally, I found that after a hard day of basketball practice my feet and legs were vory tircd and the noxt morning I folt the effects of the strenuous floor worke By using this foot and arch nomalizer morning and night I have regenerated the muscles of my fect and legs in such a way that I do not have that very tired and heavy fooling that I experienced heretofore. Mre Lang felt that I was so well pleased with this machine that he asked if I would call your attention to his proposition, Ho will prepay the postage to you for one of these normalizers for your in- spéction and trial uso for thirty days, If at the end of thirty days you do not care for it, if you will write him he will pay the return postage and there is no obligation. If after thirty days use you feel that you want this machine it will cost you $10.00 with no additional amount for postage. I consider this ono of the cheapest and most efficicnt aids to the training and treating room in the basketball quartorse Personally, I would not be without one, and if I could not purchase anothor at the price of §10.00 I would not take $50.00 for the one that I keep in my bedroom and use a hundred times both morne ing and nighte With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA; AH Varsity Basketball Coach. November 16, 1939. Thank you again for your generosity and Iindnesse Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dr. F. C,. Allen. ij Ppa ill tle i a a it Hi it Huh ‘a Bsa hdaye cil 8325 bays Novenber 21, 1939* A : heidi fi i al Fi 4 fa ani Very Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coaches Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache fix good for he has : With all good wishes, I an S Fag bg ads i en Novenbor 21, 1989. - = fy a Dear lite Langs iy iu : 4 Neal: iit tac ui ih i a Ne tin Hl i q2 if ; iif ai 243 Hi ii sty! Hid # YOUPrS, Very Diveetor of Physical Education and Recreation, — Varsity Basketball Coaches Roll Away Your Foot Troubles LANG Foot-ARCH EXERCISER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA Dear Dr. Allen: Nev. 22, 39 I just received a letter from your friend Loomis ‘ho wanted to see what he could do in placing devices with the retail shoe stores. The idea is splendid if it will work. , Loomis! friend Wellman sent me an incuiry re the price of my childs size Normalizer which price is just the same as the adults size. I havent heard from him yet if he wants one. Havent had time to eet his answer back. No other news. Kindest regards. FWL November 23, 1939» Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coaches Roll Away Your Foot Troubles LANG Foot-ARCH EXERCISER Co. Dear Dr. Allen: FORSYTH, GEORGIA Nov. 16. 79 Enclose letter from Dr. Cecil Fereuson of some three vears aro, The next time you «rite re please return, but no hurry. F. hese a verv fine practice in Miami but I believe that he is also a M.D. and is getting away from Osteopathv. Anvway I know that he has verv little interest in foot work but if he can make an extra honest dollar he wont turn it aside. I believe that I am going to get some good letters from the Red Cross in Atlanta and possibly from N.Y. and Yash. This vill take about % months. Have the stage set for it. This is fine for a build up. Re Stowits I sent him a device and wrote him re 20 davs free trial I do that with all your orders. If this works with him ask him about the chance of his getting the Rexall stores to hendle them Thev are a great outfit. Sent a red device to you for Mrs. Hulteens mother. Docs vour Sectv want one for herself. She is doine a lot of work for our outfit. If you want any more for your fri ends let me knor. FL. HNovenber 25,5 19396 litte Fe We Lang, Forsyth, Georgiae Dear Mre Langs Mire Ae Re Lamb, an attorney, rad gras 3 ga Kansas, called on me this morning. Ne has some lmeoe | trouble and I worked on his sacro~iliac, end I also detected some arch trouble. t recammended the arch Normalizer to him, and wish you would send him one on the thirty-day trial offer. % om sure it is going to benefit him very muths I played with Mrs Lasab in 1905 on the freshman football team here at the University of Kansas, and have lmown him vory well for fours. He is a very responsible man, and I would appreciate your sending him the lormalizers Sincerely yours, Director of Physioal Educatione nd Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache November 26, 1939 Very sincerely yours, Just write lire Glem the usw] letter that you write dear friend of mine, came to visit me yesterday. ‘The Glem Util- a3 reel] 4 8 Be Hee te it aun ta Hit will heve an opportunity to demonstrate it to those individualse December 1, 1959.4 Mre Pe Ne lang, Georgias Dear Mre Lang: li fi Hs i i i iP i ed stielt a i i ial 3 ii i Hat ; 5 Bit i i3ay 2 Lo ast . si: Ny aa 2 lie boi! ' HAH | if / H FCAs All Roll Away — Your Foot Troubles LANG FooTt-ARCH EXERCISER Co. Dear Dr. Allen: FORSYTH, GEORGIA Nov; 25.29 Enelosed you will find check for U. of Texas sale. c.C.Carl sent one back. No comment from him. The machine when returned did not roll freely, possibly that is the reason for the return. I am writing him to see if he wants me to send him another machine. We try to fit the roller snug and a big jar in shipment might have made it bind. When are you intending to mail out the letters to all the basketball coaches. Send me the expense account when you do. Received the following notation form a dentist in Miami. " I wouldnt sell my Lang Normalizer for *500. unless 1 could use something to re- -place it. I had not enjoyed a golf game in vears until I began using the Normalizer. Dr. #.C.Lunsford. Earl Chapman is due to pay, hasnt paid as vet. Schwegler also due. Have mailed both bills. Regards. 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