UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence ‘Department of Physical Education November 15, 1939. Dear Coach My, how time flies! It seems but a short time ago when we were to« gether at Atlanta for a lot of fun with our football and basketball problems. Ido not know of a more enjoyable occasion than the time I spent at Atlanta during the coaching clinic. While at Atlanta I met Mr. F. W. Lang, of Forsyth, Georgia, the man who spoke on the roofgarden of the Hotel Ansley on Wednesday night during the time that Wilbur Hutsell and I spoke on treatment of athletic injuries. Mre Lang also spoke on tho benefits of his foot and arch normalizer. He got me to try one out on my feet that day and I want to tell you that I have never had anything that has meant se much to basketball players so far as their feet are concernede I had been having seme arch difficulty due to my pivoting and pounding in demonstrating fundamentals in the coaching school there during my coaching work. My feet were tired; in fact, I wondered at times if I would be able to carry on with the same zip and pep that I had done previouslys I used this normalizer and get immediate relief by the weight of my body pressing upon this rolling cylinder. This caused the bones of the plantar arch to be worked back into shape normally, and of course that relieved the nervous tension caused by aching arches. So impressed was I with this normal- izer that I ordered two for the Physical Education Department (one for tho men and one for the women), and one for the basketball squad. We have been getting great service from these normalizers, and I personally wanted to tell you of this aide Mre Lang a sked if I would write you and tell you about his machine. Here is his propositions. He will prepay tha pestage to you fer one of these normalizers for your inspection and trial use of thirty days. If at the ond of thirty days you do not care for it, if you will write him he will pay the return postage and there is no obligation. if after thirty days use you feel that you want this machine it will cest you $10.00 with no additional amomt for postage. I consider this one of the cheapest and most efficient aids to the training and treating room in the basketball quartorse. Personally, I would not be without one, and if I could not purchase another at the price of $10.00 I would not take $50.00 for the one that I keep in my bedroom. I rell my fect on it a hundred timos both morning and nighte | Personally I would like to know how you are progressinge I would like to hear from youe I wish for you all the happiness and success possibloe Our basketball season starts soon and I am hoping that the fates will be kind to you and to uSe With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Diroctor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA :.\H Varsity Basketball Coach.