WILLIAM BRYAN BOX 116 PIERCETON, INDIANA Menu we used for county tourney 1941 at Warsaw, County Seat. We won from Warsaw in finals 33-16 Our lst game was on Friday at 2:00 P.M. We ate noon lunch at 11:15 consiting of Sliced oranges with sugar.About 14 small orange each Two sliees of hot dry toast and butter. One half baked potato. Cup of tea with sugar. No cream Sliced pesches no cream, We had to play that night at 9:00 P.M, We ate at 5:00 P.M, Following menu. Broiled steak Baked potato Peaches ayd choice of tea or coffee, The game didn t get underway until 9:35, After the game the boys ate some oranges and we went home without eating Before retiring, naRE On Saturday we had to play at 9:00 P.M, endagain at 8:00 P.M, in tne finals, The boys many of whom are farm boys met at the restaurant at 11:15 ant ate Roast Beef Peas Toast Tea or Coffee Head Lettuce and 1 whole peach, Before the finel game on Sat which was at 8:00 we ate at 5700 Pi iM, Your menu in your Basketball Bible that + purchased at Springfield or read in Saturday Evening Poet. Unéertain of Woich source, small chunk of honey Two pieces of whole wife toast , with butter Half an order of celeffy. Sup hot chocolate $ grape fruit.with sugar. We played the best in the opening game and in the finals. We wou the 2nd game 33-20 after trailing at the half 135-12. In the Sr game our boys were overconfident and didn't do so well. I didn't Say much about it for we had won 61-16 from the before and just told them to get a lead and coast, We got behind 4-0 and other team stalled. We took it easy but had to battae to win 24-19, In the finals we shot the works by playing our best of the year.