October 7, 1939e if He if cH a Ee ip i fi ae i fn af il Pa i i ‘i sl i Hi ty ity a Hi “ie: i TH iia li Hi He i i 8) af it nh ie Lit ag f ti 1 | H | ih yy ita ult en ee ft iy? { i FCA: All October 7, 1959 it pis f Mi it f : bat pl nil i baejae, qed , i uae if eiiq!t a § ale Pedet he Pye a] 1 3 i: i i i tin hs wa He Tuli ' ij Mire Fy We Forsyth, eae Reet haha T also thought thet I would try the nurses in the hoapitals after we try out this other groupe: it BY, letter yesterday T asked you about the for stanps end stationery, end if you are willing to stand the | to a , of orders for yous ‘Director of Physical Bincation and Recreation, FCA: AH ne Ente 2 rib © sf oS 2 * Roll Away Your Foot Troubles PE w * P oO Ss S ce AES LANG Foot-ARCH EXERCISER Co. RH SM FORSYTH, GEORGIA 9/ 23/39 Dear Dr. Allen: Am enclosing a copy of a sales letter which I am sending out to all the college football coaches. Along similar lines whv could this not be done for basketball coaches using a letter of recommendation from vourself but I suppose that you would have to set some noted basketball plaver or coach e# to sign as sales manager on account of vour present position at your University. We could take care of whatever man vou would cet to act in that capacity by cutting him in on our profits. I am astonished to earn of the great number of basketball teams in this country. 1 How about interesting some one to represent us for golfers. Did vou ever et your golf Pros reaction to this end of it? g Could you get some Hospital to try this out for the henefit of their Nurses use? I just received notice that the two Normalizers have been received by your friend Loomis.] sent him the bill so expect to have a check shortly for you. Have changed the price in my circular This thing has many angles that cold ” Lu Laced Rerards,. Frederick W. hain Roll Away Your Foot Troubles ro LANG Foot & ARCH NORMALIZER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA Lester “Swede” Olsson, Sales Manager 9/22/39 (Formerly of Mercer University and Washington Redskins Pro. Football Team) Mr. xxXxxxxxx, Coach Football Team XXxXxxxxx University New Haven, Conn. Dear Coach: After years of experience in college and professicnal athletics, I have learned the great need of a device such as the Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer, for the post injury treatment of feet, ankles and the rolling out of Charley Horses. Our Lang Normalizer has been tested and used with success by some of the most noted Coaches and Trainers in this country. Among the first to adopt its use were the following: Harry Mehre, University of Mississippi Fritz Lutz, University of Georgia Mike Chambers, Louisiana State University W. A. Alexander, Georgia Teck. Lawson Robertson, University of Pennsylvania Wayne Hauck, U. S. Military Academy Dr. Forrest "Phog" Allen, University of Kansas Lake Russell, Mercer University At a cost of ten dollars for our Lang Normalizer many injured players could be put back in the lineup weeks in advance of those treated by old methods. Naturally I can give this Lang Normalizer my own personal en- dorsement or otherwise I would not have joined this Company. May we send you one for a thirty day trial and should it not prove satisfactory return it at our expense, With kindest regards and best wishes for a successful season, 1. Sincerely yours, "f Lester "Swede" Olsson Sales Manager THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA ATHENS, GEORGIA JEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS May 19 , 1936 Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer Co. Forsyth, Ga. Dear Sire: Early last fall Coach Mehre asked me to try out your Foot ana Arch Normalizer in our phy- sio-therapy department. Following his ued I found this device @ great help in the treatment ot athletic injuries for the foot, ankle and leg. It is fine for loosening up the injury of a fcot after a dislocation or fr- acture, especialiy atter the injured part has been immobolized for some time. I have used it successfully in loosening up wrists after fractures,and “chsrlie horses" can: gently be rolled out with this aparatus. It does all that you said it would in building up weak anc fallen arches. Lrence Gs Very ZA ours, C.W. fine Athletic Trainer. CWJ:m the Lar ee é Lari CER BASES: le Sunshine” i ee eo and oe Jnamae Foxx, Ist Vice-President Leste Mann, Sec’y-General Athletic Director M. SaFrotD-WINKLER, Ass’¢ Sec’y-Treas. “Tiny” Parxer, 2nd Vice-President Max Carey, President-Treasurer Publicity Director OLp, FEDERAL Bipc. MIAMI, FLORIDA Advisory Board Gov. Davs ScHo.tTz March 5, 1936. F. Loway Watt Lang Feet & Arch Nermalizer Ce., J. Avany GurTow Persyth, Geergia. Durry Devons Gentlemen: Weuld like yeu te knew that I am getting District Répresentativs Beme splendid results frem yeur device, beth at Cuas. Knauer, W. Peo. home and in the scheel. Ray D. Scratx, Chicago District Medical Staff I find it is esp@cally helpful in the puira CB Pessveew, DO. ing up ef fallen arches, and alse in the relling eut B. L. Wurrran, M.D. ef "charley herses". Hostess Very truly yeurs, Hix MC: AS BASEBALL GOLF TENNIS SWIMMING SAIL BOATING Roll Away Your Foot Troubles tke nek Ga LANG Foot & ARCH NORMALIZER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA October 13, 1939 Dear Dr. Allen: I just received a check for ten dollars from your Mr. McBride altho I billed him for payment next November. He is the only one who has paid so far but I imagine the checks will be coming in on your 4an- -sas sales almost any day now. I thought that I would mail you a check egeainst this sale but hereafter will wait until the end of the month and to#eal them up as it will save me a world of writing. I really think that you are going to get a.great’ humber of these checks pefore next Xmas gets here and that is the time they come in mighty handy as the wives can think of a million and one things to purchase, Am trying the enclosed ecard to Dehtists in Atlanta and Miami. Seventy five were sold to Yentists in N.Y. I dont know how many were sent out there as I didnt have charge of it. But I know Dentists are a class who need this device. If you want any of these cards let me know. I will give you credit for any and all sales in Kansas and Mo. as long as you care to keep this up at this gait. Have just started to contract for my lumber and am cetting mv necessary parts made ahead for some thousands of machines. When you know your costs for the stamps and stationery I will mail you a check as sonn as you advise me. I will keep you advised when I hear from any of your coaching 2nd Train- -ing contacts. Sincerely yours, Frederick W. | I now have them installed in two stores in Atlanta for the use of their employees. One has it in their store hospital under the dir- -~epction of their Nurse. The other is for the use of the employees in a store dress dept. I figure that the store employees will make ssles for me to their customers who have tired aching feet. i made two sales already this way. Cc. CG. Carl and Mrs Schwegler orders have gone forward two days ago. Have Normalizers in stock now was down to my last one. the new fin- -ish using sprayed lacquer is a big improvement and less work. We are gradually getting this down right.J am pavine «a hie price *or making them but I am getting cuelitv workmenship. "he maker takes a pride in his work so I am fortunate in this respect. ( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ] NOW-yYou CAN THROW AWAY YOUR ARCH SUPPORTS! Roll away your FOOT TROUBLES with Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer. Endorsed by Doctors and Trainers | For Tired Aching Feet. | For Fallen Arches. For Cramped Foot and Leg Muscles. For Use After Some Injuries. j| For Post Operative Cases. OF SPECIAL AID TO DENTISTS WHO LOSE VITALITY and STRENGTH DUE TO WEAKENED FOOT MUSCLES THE LANG NORMALIZER exercises the unused muscles, tendons and ligaments. It acts as a mechanical lever, which aids to restore articular motion to the bones of the foot . PRICE $10. FREE TRIAL OFFER! Use Normalizer for ten days. If youare not absolutely satisfied, you may return machine and your money will be refunded. Write us for our circular folder. Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer Co. Forsyth, Georgia Roll Away Your Foot Troubles | hd wat LANG Foot & ARCH NORMALIZER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA October II, 1959 Dear Dr. Allen: Your two letters just received. Normalizers have just been shipped and letters to each: Mr Carl and Mrs Schwegler. Havent received any payments as yet but an not worried about that end of it. They will come in soon, suppose As to stamps end stationery for the five hundred letters so that we pay for it jointly in this way. That I will advance it as a guarantte and deduct it from the first two or three sales which would cover it. Is that 0.K. with you. Judging by Swede Olssons your letter will pull big returms for the Swede is young in the game compared to yourself. I will send the five hundred testimonial rotoprints of both Jones end Max Carey letters. I have no selling in California now. Hed an Agent there three years ago but he was an older man and ill but he showed that the possibilities were there. I sent one to Wayne Hauck whom I thought was the head trainer there and perheps he was at that time. He liked it. If he left there he probably took the Normalizer with him. However it was was one of my first models and not so good. Noisy etc . as it had all iron gears. Our new ones are quiet on account of the fibre track. Yas down to my last Normalizer. But my new high speed fibre track cutter was delivered od we can cut five track in one minute. It has solved that problem. IT just bought a power paint sprayer end have finished some with lacquer spray and they are perfect. Our others like the one you have was done by hand with shellac and was not hard enough to stand the galff. 4m getting the production problems ironed out. : Have tried to reply to each of your questions. An pressed for time to catch the mail, so excuse mistakes if any. Hastily, O Lang Normalizer now in use at the following Universities, Colleges and Schools: —_— University of Georgia Georgia teck University of Mississippi | Mercer University Louisiana “tate University University of Kansas , University of Pennsylvania | a United States Military Academy | , aes University \ San Jose Junior College Northwestern University | Brown University Catholic University Fordham University George Washington University |; Washington & Lee University * | Columbie University Now on test with Duquesne University These football Coaches are Georgetown University the personal friends of Alabama University big "Swede" Olsson Akron University ) i Ohio Wesleyan University | Boston University f - Detroit University j Tllinois University Marylend University Niagara University Albright College : Ohio State University : i ee ee | as The School of the Ozarks el Starr Commonwealth for Boys — Roll Away Your Foot Troubles LANG FooT-ARCH EXERCISER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA ATHENS, GEORGIA IEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS May 19 , 1936 Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer Co. Forsyth, Ga. Dear Sire: Early last fall Coach Mehre asked me to try out your Foot and Arch Normalizer in our phy- sio-therapy department. . Following his request I found this device a great help in the treatment ot athletic injuries for the foot, ankle and leg. It is fine for loosening up the injury of a fcot after a dislocation or fr- acture, especialiy atter the injured part has been immobolized for some time. I have used it successfully in loosening up wrists after fractures,and "chsrlie horses" can gently be rolled out with this aparatus. It does all that you said it would in building up weak anc fallen arches. Lrsnce Ge Very ZY, ours, C.W. J faenee Athletic Trainer. CWJ:m \ 5: 8:4 58 1 ff, Se ee ee see eee \ Og, ee - ‘Uae gee RATA and ATH \ Ell: UGEES a SCHOOL #5 eo SS phi — ea = —— a Z. I Be End Jmaae Foxx, 1st Vice-President LestrE MANN, Sec’y-General Athletic Director M. SAFFoLD-WINKLER, Ass’? Sec’y-T reas. “Tiny” Parker, 2nd Vice-President Max Carey, President-Treasurer Publicity Director OLp, Feperat Bbc. MIAMI, FLORIDA Gov. Dave ScHotTz March 5, 1936. F. Loway Watt Lang Feet & Arch Nermalizer Ce., J. Avany Gurro Fersyth, Geergia. Dorry Dews Gentlemen: a Weuld like yeu te knew that I am getting m District Representatives geome splendid results frem yeur device, beth at Cuas. Knauer, W. Peon. home and in the scheel. Rar D. Scatx, Chicago District J Medical Staff I find it is esp@cally helpful in the build CB bene BO ing up ef fallen arches, and alse in the relling eut B. L. Warren, MD. ef “charley herses*. Hostess Very truly yeurs, Ve MC: AS BASEBALL GOLF TENNIS SWIMMING SAIL BOATING October 25, 1959s litte Fe Me Lang, Forsyth, Georgiae Dear lire Langs “WELL you kindly send at your carly convenience ee ee ee ee ee eee Sie Gas i hn ermsivhaaee bese tx We anaes 2 Seek positive that this will help his conditions ‘ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsi ty Tasketball Coathe October 24, 1959. Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, ARMY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY WEST POINT, NEW YORK October 18, 1939. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach Kensas University Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dre Allen: I am quite familiar with Mr. Lang's foot normalizere In fact we have a similar apparatus here in our corrective gymnasium. I hardly believe it is Mr. Lang's own invention. I feel that it has its good points and is beneficial particularly to people troubled with flat anterior-posterior arches. Therefore, we are hardly in the market for such an apparatus as Mr. Lang's. However, wish to thank you for your interest and your correspondence regarding this matter. The sacro-illiac condition is quite improved, however, as you know those things are often chronic, and can return and give a person considerable trouble at the slightest provacatione I was glad to see Kansas win the football game last week, and tell your staff I wish them the very best of luck in the coming games. Give my very best to the staff, and wishing you and yours the tery best, I remain Sincerely yours 3 Roland Logan October 25, 1052. Regarding the nurses here in wo have two nurses’ homes, one at the University and one in the @itye As scon as my sodiun hyposulphite is received here _ I expect to heve foot taths placed near the nonmlizers for the students so thet they ean bathe their feet in the entiseptic and then use the normelizer. I had expected et that time to have Dr. Canutesom, the "niversity hospital : if you do not hear fron tho nurses right away t is because I want to show Dr. Camuveson the new mechine pee | | Director of Physical Mdusation and Recreation, PCA SAH Varsity Basketiall coach, PORTLAND National Coos) Cement Co. EmMeNt Sales Offices 411-30 MARTIN BLDG. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. October 26, 1959. I quite agree with you thet the numbers ere entirely soticfmetory, but for my om information I would like to Imow vhich persons hove paid. I heve just re- ceived also your note of the 2ist enclosing cheel: 44 for two normlizers. Are these the orders sent to Wesley : Loomis, Dutch Cherwen, CG. Cy Carl, or sone of the others? It would help me very much if 7 imew who hed peids wining 0 te hin $0 la Wd ota thee ‘ter ten eho at present. X wild sypreciate your kindly eooperntion and wild et Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Bduestd on and Reoreation, POA Ali : _—— Basketball Coache | Roll Away Your Foot Troubles ko LANG Foot & ARCH NORMALIZER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA Oet. 19, I959 Dear Dr. Allen: The enclosed note might pave the way for use by Nurses in general. I have some of my old model Normalizers which I could send to the Red Cross. Enclose check a/e Dean S. he sent his cheek in today. I am referring to this account by my parcel post number rather than to set forth his name on my check. Will do this in all cases here- -after. The numbers would mean nothing to anyone else and give me an accurate check. Dr. Cecil B. Ferguson, 607 Olympia 5ldg, Miami is very well known to all baseball teams as most: of the players get to Florida in the winter time and he being an 01d time pitcher. He had one of my first 01d machines about four years ago and was interested in its principle. If you have time you might write him about it. I have absolutely no connections with baseball teams. Would like to get them interested. Ferguson might do it. Roy Baker @fainer of the “ashington Redskins pro. football team is trying this out and wrote to "Swede" Olsson that it looked 0.K. to him and that he will give it a fair trial this season. If he then approves we can get our share of the Pro. football teams. However they are not many but they all count up for advertising value. Kindest regards. Sincerely yours, wt. Frederick W. Lang | | ' | Mrs Evelyn Walsh McLean ‘Friendship ' Washington, D.C. My dear Mrs McLean: Having just read in the newspaper where vour home is now being used for Red Cross work the thoucht fust struck me that you might be abbe to get a free donation of a foot evercising machine which would be a wonderful sid to War Nurses or nurses 4s 4 class. It is something more or less new and I fust learned of it while in Atlanta this pat fall ‘eachine at a coaching clinic. I purchased three fior use at our Pmiversity and they are heine used ~ith heneficial __ results, I am certain that if you would write to the inventor Mr. Frederick _ ss WW, ~Lang, Forsyth, Ga. stating vour worthy cause that he would he _ pleased to contribute some of his devices for such a wonderful cause. With kindest regards and all good wishes to vou in vour Red Crogs work, Cordielly yours, Roll Away Your Foot Troubles LANG FooTt-ARCH EXERCISER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA Dear Dr. Allen: Get. 27,29 Your two letters received today in same mail. Pleased to send a machine to your son but am sending one of the old models as I only have twenty new ones in stock. |! have one thousand round gears and tracks but havent completed my arrangement for lum ber for present needs as the war raised the devil with prices. Am cutting my own poplar and maple right now for future reouirements but my present needs have got to be solved. Enclose rough statement of those collected. Loomis is the only one which the thirty day period has expired that has not peid. Will bill him egain onthe first of the month. Two machines went to him. 4m not worried about hin. — De-n Stouffer, Regards. FW, iis Roll Away Your Foot Troubles LANG FooT-ARCH EXERCISER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA Oet. 26, T9509 Dear Dr. Allen: As per your suggestion I sent a Normalizer on a thirty day trial to Mr. H.H. Stephenson of Lawrence. Regards. Sincerely yours, WW Ta Frederick W. Lang Roy Baker Trainer of the Washington Redskins Professional Football Club is now testing this out seriously and + believe that it will make good with him during this present football season. Roll Away Your Foot Troubles LANG FooT-ARCH EXERCISER Co. Dear Dr. Allen: FORSYTH, GEORGIA Get. 70, TO*9 Sent Loomis a bill rendered for 20. This was due the thirtv avs trial expired Oct I8th. Tust a thought this should be sold to the Police Vent. of Lawrence and Kansas City, Mo. Precedent for this is The Phvsical Pirector E.C.Rosendahl, of the Atlanta Police Dept. He has had this in his eymnasium for the past three vears and likes it. Regards. November 6, 19596 lire “Mesley Loanis, Jreg — 1507 Telephone Building, Kansas City, Missourie Dear Wesley: Thank you for the copy of the letter you sent to Mre Lange I note that Seoop Wellmen returmed his arch normalizer, but I still think it would be worth the NOnSYe With best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. November 3, 1939 x Bm for the ; Sane I believe Phe one that was given to aieo a friend of Dr. d,/as we failed to make moh aS came with the letter of Sep= ; may be that I could interost Formerly % Wi ton . sing agibey sats Cig ea aie Suikine war anumaeks If you would be inter- ested in my endeavoring to work out a plan where- by I might assist you in inoressing your sales, I will be glad to hear from you in respect. Very sincerely, WHL/m University of Kansas Ostober 50, 1989. Mre Wesley He Loomis, Jre, 1507 Telephone Kansas City, Missourie Dear Wesley: Mre Lang, of Forsyth, Georgie, wrote me that he had sent you two of his Foot and Arch Normalizers, and I en wondering how you and Scoop and your pedel extremities are getting alonge I will be giad to hear fram yous With best wishes, I en Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fducation and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache