NOW-yYou CAN THROW AWAY YOUR ARCH SUPPORTS! Roll away your FOOT TROUBLES with Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer. Endorsed by Doctors and Trainers | For Tired Aching Feet. | For Fallen Arches. For Cramped Foot and Leg Muscles. For Use After Some Injuries. j| For Post Operative Cases. OF SPECIAL AID TO DENTISTS WHO LOSE VITALITY and STRENGTH DUE TO WEAKENED FOOT MUSCLES THE LANG NORMALIZER exercises the unused muscles, tendons and ligaments. It acts as a mechanical lever, which aids to restore articular motion to the bones of the foot . PRICE $10. FREE TRIAL OFFER! Use Normalizer for ten days. If youare not absolutely satisfied, you may return machine and your money will be refunded. Write us for our circular folder. Lang Foot & Arch Normalizer Co. Forsyth, Georgia