Roll Away Your Foot Troubles | bo wat LANG Foot & ARCH NORMALIZER Co. FORSYTH, GEORGIA Beptember 16, 19359 Dear Dr. Allen: In reply to yours of the I4th. Have placed the two Normalizers in the mail for Mr. Wesley Loomis and sent him a bill for $20. You will get a check for ($6.66 on this when collected. I will send the one to Earl"Dutch"Chapman on Monday and will write him a nice letter and send him a bill. Possibly I emt blame the Deans for not liking the increase in price but I made the price before I had all my costs assembled on my new machine. You can use your own judgment in their cases. Rither to give them new machines at the old price or to give them old machines at the old price as I have a few left. I am almost out of new model machines and nave wired today to have the fibre company ship my tracks in a rush. If the Professors decide on new machines they will have to wait a couple of weeks. sil Ce Swede Olsson, the Washington Redskin Pro Football player is coaching Forsyth High School and teaching here and has sold a j few machines for me and will brobably sell a few to some of his e friends who are coaching football. However he is a young man and i his contacts are not very wide. But every team sold is quite am . gi. in itaeit, I now feel that I have at last a well made machine that has proven in thousands of cases what it can do. Now it is up to us to get the sales worked up and I believe that with each sale it just makes the succeeding sales that muci easier. Anytime you get any ideas on this subject just shoot them along. In re a partnership in the future if things get working out I dont know where I could pick a better one. I think that we both play the game the same way. I will keep you posted on any new developments. Sincerely yours, mW he Frederick VW. La