FREDERICK W. LANG Tax & ESTATE GOUNSELLOR 214 GRANT BUILDING ATLANTA 8, GEORGIA October 3, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas . Dear Dr. Allen: Enclosed herewith you will find my check for seven dollars re Wyandotte High School of Kansas City, Kansas. Two more schools I have yet to hear from. One of them I have just sent another bill as the N. was shipped in August. Some of them are slow but never the less sure. You have probably received my letter by this time that was written Sunday last. I wrote to the J. E. Porter Co. of Ottawa, Ill. some time ago as I had a good lead for them for gym. equipment for the Army but their V-P. was and is still away on a trip. However lI still think that it would come better if you could call it to the attention of the few big companies. Kindest regards. Sincerely yours, a W. Hang