FREDERICK W. LANG Tax & ESTATE GOUNSELLOR 214 GRANT BUILDING ATLANTA 8, GEORGIA Sept. 20, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Sansas Dear Dr. Allen: I just received a telegram from Paul Starbuck, Football Coach of the Wyandotte High School located at Kansas Citym Mo. ( This address is an assumption on my part as the telegram was sent from Kansas City, Mo. He wanted a machine shipped immediately. 1 got one off via P.P. right away after receipt of his wire. Previously on Aug. 28th. 44. one was sent by me to Fred 0. Ekstrand, Dir. of Athletics of Mt. Pleasant Public Schools at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. I have their receipt as having received same. Bills for both of the above have been mailed. The commission is $7. each . I would be delighted to mail you five of my dooklets "Death & Taxes" but I want to line it Y up fist so that it would do us both some good if results were obtained. This stuff is worth some money when these cases click. I just recently put one over and it was worth eighteen hundred to me. We have a new Agent in Kansas City just appointed and I will have to find out his name and I will write him a letter of intrbduction to you and then you might be able to introduce him to the friends you had in mind that might be interested in the subject matter of my booklet. For him they would have to be in the State of Kansas. If not in Kansas I would write our proper State Agent. I myself could handle a cases in any State but it is guite a gamble gamble until I knew the prospect was interested. Sometimes I go away and close the case. Kindest regards Sincerely yours, WW hens