Jenuery 23, 1941 Wr. Bob Bushy Sports Desk lawrence Daily Journal World Lewrence, Kansas Dear Bobs It is not my purpose to argue with anyone on the merits of wi thing bedside, and Of Suaree = ceniae Wek 6 tan fed @ vighs to oe he desires because we believe in freedom of speech and in freedom of é presses However, there is a statement by Coach Lindsey in your "Sports Buzz" colum, es of Monday, Janvary 20, which is not true, so far as Kansas is concerned. I do not Imow what was done for the athletes of Oklahom while Mre Lindsey wes there, but I do mow what was done for basketball while Mr. Lindsey was et Kansasg the same thing that has been done for basketball ever since I have been hereg nothing except what the faculty and the basketball coach did for them and that is what would have been done for any other student pursuing work toward graduations Te quote Mr. Lindsey, he says, “And I*1l say this. In the two Big Six schools in which I have coached football-«Oklahoma and Kansas-= there was, at that tine, just as much done for basketball players as was done for football playerse" He mentions Cox and Bausch et Kansas, Well, . was at Oklahana when both Cox and Bausch were at Kansas and I do not know what he knows about thome I do know that Cox was offered $75.00 a month by a certain gentleman in Lawrence, Kansas, if he would uct play basketball for Kansas, Cox told me this personally and tole me the mam who was to pay hime But why should we discuss things that perhaps Lindsey may or may not know about when he | ae Sh ee aed Daeieh ond Cur were at Ress | I desire to discuss the situation when lire Lindsey was at Kansas and I was coaching here at the’same time. You mow and I know that there was not nor has there been 5¢ spent on any basketball player when Mre Lindsey was coaching at Kansas, and you are acquainted with the fund that was used for football because you worked on the football programe i want to say further that I do not resent it that no money was spent for basketballs in fact, I liked ite I remember when some resident rooms were paid for for football men and when some of the boys left Mre Lindsey came to me and wanted to kmow if I did not have some basketball pleyers who could move in free of charge. He stated that some of his boys had left school and the rooms were paid for for the semester. I said, "Ad, thankse I do not want ite" And nothing was done about ite Now for Lindsey to say that just as much was done for basketball as was done for football is untrue because money was } agen for football and no ~~ was spent for basketball.