Mr. F. W. Lang, 214 Grant Building, Atlanta 3, Ga. Dear Mr. Lang: I aw enclosing a dia for $10.50 fa the arch normalizer which you so kindly mailed me. Is this emount correct? : I have just returned from the Iowa High School Athletic Association coaching school at Boone and from the Kansas High School Athletic Association coaching school at Topeka, Kansas. I demonstrated the foot arch normalizer at both places, end rather than +o take orders personally for these things, I gave your address to the boys after the demonstration. 7 am very sure that you will get a mumber of orders from these boys and I will leave it to you as to my compensation. Of course, these are out of the state of Kansas, but I believe that you would be kind enough to allow me the same wmless you have already appointed an Iowa man. As these letters will come to you at Forsyth, Ga., you can tell that they were due to my recommendation because I did not give your Atlanta address. Also, while at Topeka, I followed the same procedure. I was not sure whether you would be in a position to fill all of these orders and thought that I would iet them write you direct and you can handle the matter as you see fit. Personally, I believe that you will get several orders, as I recommended the normalizer most highly and told them of the fine benefits that I had received from using it twice daily, morning and night. Won't you write me and tell me what proposition I am entitled to? I have been very much impressed with your brochure on "Death and Tages". I think it is a fine booklet and I greatly appreciate the seme. Will you kindly send me four or five more of them, as I would like to give them to several of my friends. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Bunce