July 3, 1944; Dear Hr. Lane: Your letter of the 29th ultimo was very interesting. Your offer to me is tempting, but I rather shudder at the price of $17.50. Personally, I have a great many questions on the price of $10.00, but I would think $17.50 would scare most of the buyers oute . _ T em pleased indeed that you placed your normalizer with the U. S. Army Physical Conditioning Department of the Lawson General Hospital at Atlanta. I think it is a great device, tut I am still reign > over in my mind the price. But you should imov more about t than I do. T would like to ask the medium that would be most efficient. In other words, an individual in what capacity might handle this more efficiently for me? ‘iould you kindly give me the results of your experience in dealing with other agencies in other states whereby you can get the most advantageous output. : Very sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.