q, vederick OY. Lang 730 Piedmont Ave. Atlanta, Ga. - June 29, 44. Dr. Forrest C, Allen, Physical Dir, University of Sansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: Due to conditions imposed by this War I have not tried to push my foot normalizer business. However 1 have been able to place it lately with the U.S. Army Physical Reconditioning Training Yept. of the Lawson General Hospital at Atlanta. The U.S. Surgeon Generals Office sent one to Lexington, Va. to the Officers School for Physical Keeonditioning Training. The Chief Orthopedic Surgeon at the U.S. Veter- -ans Base Hosphital No 48 at Atlanta stated that he is placing ‘an order for one thru his Procure- -ment Officer, Due to the fact that this is a specialty and not a quantity production article and to run this business properly requires considerable expense Ll have recently repriced this upwards to $17.50 and am selling just as many. Now the salesmen et a $5. commission and the State Agents another 2.50. When this war is over many salesmen will be avail- -able. Would you like to handle this possibly thru someone else for the State of Kansas? Thanking you for your past cooperation, I am, Sincerely yours, WW Le Frederick W, “ang