DEAZH AND AAT ES 5 The estimated cash required to pay the debts, administration costs and taxes in case of the average estate of the following sizes: EstaTE IN $ EstimaTED CasH NEEDED 5,000. 1,200. 10,000. 2,000. 25,000. 6,100. 50,000. 9,500. 100,000. 16,500. 200,000. 45,000. 250,000. | 75,000. 400,000. 190,000. 750,000. 300,000. 1,000,000. 420,000. 2,000,000. 920,000. 5,000,000. 2,800,000. Judge Charles Klein, Orphans Court of Philadelphia, Pa. says: “It is natural for men in this land of free enterprise to strive to accumulate estates with which they hope to achieve security for themselves and their families. They are often dismayed when they review their estate plannings, to find this security jeopardized by the toll of estate taxes, often unneces- sarily enhanced by unsound planning.”