te. i lee, 214 Grant Building, ‘Ruin Wiheg ik eq gs Haak Us teh, aak ony nee tee eee itt atlanta ae Ge Dear Mrs bang: ‘TL -wrote you thet I would take active responsibility for f per cent of the earnings. I do ot know how moh you have but I would be willing to take over and if: ry sot up « « - | pilasiaalithag ten: Seni: dil it Men tientade. While » ele coe aaa y Saeed ae ate toe Sc os sell this to someone else is for me to go to those people and sel a ce aes CO et pa ame ) ! xpli ° ‘If they would not want to manufac tare it, then I believe that I could set up a small factory and sell hex eee ee ere a : SS Se Rete ce