Walworth, Wisconsin October 23, 1945 Mr. Ferrest C. Allen : Director oi Physical Education University ot Kansas _ Kansas City, Missouri Dear Mr. Allen: Perhaps this ietter is out of line and you are busier with other more important problems but I have always felt that you played sound basketball, leaving nothing to chance, and so I would like a iittle advieƩe in regard to type of play experienced here. Most of the teams around here play zone defenses of one type of another with an occasional man to man defense thrown in, particularly our games played with larger schools. Myself, I am an advocate of the man to man defense and was fortunate enough to win a district tournament last year after a poor season. My problem is this: is it possible to build an offense capable of playing against both a zone or a man to man deiense. Most of the floors around here are small, ours being the biggest, thereiore, the predominance ef the zone type. I have only second year men with not too great ability and feei that it is impossible to build too separate types ot effenses satistactoriiy--the boys just don't nave te. Also mizht add we have had extreme ditticulty in maintaining a iead onee it has been established. We tend to lagzand lost many games in the last quarter after they were seemingly won. Any information such as charts emdany other advise will be greatly appreciated. Very sincerely yours, Gordon J. hs