September 18, 1945 Forest Ce. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen, Thank you very mach for your letter of August 25 the I would have answered it sooner but the uncertainty of my plans for the future kept me from doing so. Since I had already enrolled at Baker I finally decided to continue on with this plan and attend sbhool here until I am called to the service. Probably one semester at the most is all I'll have before that time. I'm hoping that military training will not last long as I definitly plan to continue with college after it is over and if I have my choice it will be at K. U. sister went to Kansas University in 1940. She has toka me all about the sbhool and I have visited the campus several times. Also I've never missed a basketball game that was possible for me to attend. Thanks again for the letter. Sincerely yours, Gack Lent