Mre Fe We Luehring, Director, _ Department of Physical Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Fred: I am very happy to receive your letter of the 25th instant and to tell you that we are extremely well pleased with Cramer's Foot and Body Powler. Dr. Lloyd L. Boughton, formerly ef our School of Pharmacy, and Tre E. Lee Treese of our Bacteriology Nepartment, did some extensive research work on the Cramer product. We wore the guinen pigs during sone of this research works When they had the same perfected, ours was the first school to put it in end we had & strenuous load in ow gyumasium during the heavy part of the military work here. We had ten thousand men hours per week in the gym and we used those powder boxes with splendid results. I om very ene thusiastio about i% and now T wonder why in the vorld we waited all this time to find the answer. We put up some signs similar to this one, snd it is oon how these students will sit and study these signs as they powder their feet. “A Problem in Simple Arithmetic. Kot Weather plus Sweaty Poet equals Athlete's Foot! Why Take a Ghanoe? Use the Powder Boxes Regularly." IT have always said that everyone wants to improve himself. I often state that a grapefruit was a lemon until it took a chance and improved iteelf, so why shouldn't the maman do likewise. Frankly, Fred, I think it is a splendid innovation and we consider it definitely a permanent and constructive move. Regarding your postsoript, we did not use that mush power, but of course with the ten thousand man hours per week we did use a lot of powder. From July, 1943 to July 1944, we used 500 pounds. Bobby Allen and his wife, Jean, arrived in Lawrence Monday morning with his M.D. degree from the University of Pemsylvania. Ue will interne _ at the University of Kansas Hospitals in Kansas City, Kansas. He is now having a short respite before he starts. Eleanor, who graduated last year, is now Mra. George P. Williems, III, living at Lanaviome, Pa. Her husband