Mr. A. D. Lang, | Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc., Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Lang: I noticed with deep regret the passing of your wonderful father. He certainly was a pioneer in every sense of the word, and what a suecessful and wonderful life he had. _ f always remember his kindly nature when I used to walk in old Convention Hall where I refereed the basketball games for many years between high sehools and for the A.A.U. tournament. I know with what pride you look back on a life such as your Dad's. He was kindly, considerate, friendly, yet his whole demeanor bespoke of success in every way. He was a man's man, and I congratulate you on having such a splendid father. When you and I look back en life and find that your father and mine had so many years beyond the three score years and Ven, then we are very sure that when the time came for them to be . infirm or not as active as they were accustomed to being, then we have tie philosophy, I am sure, that we would not want to see them | suffer more. ‘This is just a note to let you know that I am thinking of you and have thought of you many times, and want to express my sympathy to you and your family. 4 Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. April 9, 1945. Miss Ruth Litohen, University High Sehool, University of Kansas. Dear Miss Litchens I am very sorry that it will not be possible for me attend the annual High-Home Night of the University High Sehool on Tuesday, April 17th. I have a speeking engagement at Anthony, Kansas, that evening. 1 do thank you for your kind invitation. Sincerely yours, \ | | Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH Varaity Basketball Coach, UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL corp1atty INVITES YOU TO ATTEND ITS ANNUAL HIGH-HOME NIGHT ON TUESDAY, APRIL THE SEVENTEENTH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FORTY - FIVE AT EIGHT O'CLOCK IN THE KANSAS ROOM OF THE MEMORIAL UNION BUILDING. PLEASE REPLY BY NOON MONDAY, APRIL SIXTEENTH, TO MISS RUTH LITCHEN, PHONE 2424J, OR K.U. 98. ADDRESS - - - - - 1630 ALABAMA Informal a eee TE OE a PIE eT 119 Brainerd Rd. Suite 5 Allston, 34, Mass. Dear "Phog": me : Bre I forget, permit,to congratulate you for your courage ae in focussing the public Spotligtt upon the cancerous intrusion of gamblers into the halls of collegiate sport. a For the moment I will drift away from evil, and inquire about affairs that tend to accentuate the goodness of mankind, No doubt, the 4 health of your wife and "Doc", himself is superb. If that picture in"P.M¥o is a criterion of your well-being, then be careful; so dapper and handsome a young man, soon will be absorbed and hired by the Hollywood magnates, To ask if your sons are in military service appears as a question without ' merit. Of course, many little "“tykes" scream "Grand-dad, teach me how to 4 play basketball! Perhaps, I am too anticipatory. With a newspaper picture advertising your trim physique, it is fair to assume that "Phog" DRILLED his basketball sialwarts and proteges with the vigor, enthusiasm, and eagerness of yesteryear, Aware that the quintet doesn't win all its contests, nevertheless, I am confident that the K.U. five wins a proportionate share of its engagements. As for myself, I can merely state that I am in fine fettle. Good food, despite rationing, plenty of sleep, dish washing, wiping them, preparing breakfast, and even starting the supper prods me into good con- dition. Besides these chores, I manage all the shopping. You know, red points for meat, butter, and canned fishes; coupon #55 for sugar, and of course, blue points for canned goods, Despite these shopping handicaps, I procure a fair share of the available supply. Steaks, those T-bones served at the Hotel Tiger in Columbia, are conspicuous by their absence; only a millionaire can afford it----- not a millionaire with dollar bank balances but one loaded with red points. The above I manage during my spare time, ’ a ell sis hie Se eS ert tae Soci: Bgl oe Sanat bi eal Di attest eb iiss a Occasionally, I work; Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:15 A.M.----=- 4:30 P.M. My duties tho! multifarious are not exacting. During these hours the varifated assignments roll in, and my assistants and myself complete the tasks before the end of the day. Aren'tt income taxes wonderful? Only I am with the State Income tax and not with the Fed- eral goverment ,who would tax the shirt off our babks if the laundry would only return them. | One night a week I attend an accounting course at Boston UNTV. | In the last course, I rated a"B" ; not an inspiring achievement, yet, en- j couraging. Two of my sisters wear the navy blue; the younger one studied at Stillwater for six weeks. When at Kansas City for a stop-over, I request- ed that she phone you from there, Evidently, coyness overwhelmed her. ‘ My brother, Lew, tread foot within Germany---at the breakthrough his out- fit sought safer quarters in Belgium. At the time of the news blackout od over here, the Yanks over there groped in the dark for information regard the momentary disaster. At times,he is quartered in a private home--some luxurious, others battered by artillery fire; always, he is not so fortu- nate, Occasionally, he must brave the elements and bivouac in the bleak outdoors. Oh! I haven't bored you yet. a My wife and I just hung up our wedding picture in the newly : rented apartment. Tho! Mother Nature chilled the outside walls, yet the janitor maintains a warm interior. My wife appears lovely in her gown of 3 white and if you peer a little closer, there will I be , erect and brave. — Last Sept. a possibility appeared that might have taken me through Lawrence. Then, you might feasted your eyes upon her in person, Did you say this paragraph lacked unity and coherence? That is correct. . Now, let our thoughts recoil to the baser nature of man. a Yes, the tempting of man to wobble from his ethical standards by waving a a few paltry dollars before his hungry material soul is unforgivable. ee Re This gambler ,this hero, struts the earth with a dignity, self-respect, and angelic air that, ordinarily, is reserved for a saint. Who raises him to such a lofty pedestal? If you will recall the era of the Union Station massacre, soon you will recollect the fact that these gunman, notorious killers ,were for a time heralded as heroes, Newspaper head- lines glorified their misdeeds until a public, enraged and embittered, demanded retribution. They demanded that these outlaws be hewn from the statue and stature of glory and be cast into the gutter of shame and despair, Whether that international authority on comity of nations, or is he that authority on how to achieve harmonious labor relations, or that mighty executive who can administrate govermental affairs with nary en error,is astute enough to lead the world, I don't know. I mean your zood friend "Bill"Cunningham. Once a splendid sports writer, and now an authority on everything. He may not have glorified eamblers, | but there are other sport writers who ventured from their field, and | became authorities on ethics and saintly life. Without restraint or ; hesitation, these purveyors of sport news lifted notorious gamblers and law-breakers into the realm of respectable sportsmen. Cloaked with a sanctity of respectability, these gamblers with the tenctacles of an octopus reached into number pools, horse and dog racing,baseball (betting within the park), numerous other sports, and, of course, the { Brooklyn scandal is current history. A czar at the helm of collegiate sport would help, decentralization of sporting contests would hamper the gamblers, but if the presidents of the collegiate in laison with the newspapers and periodicals of the country would train their verbal fire upon these semolers ,then they could be driven to the gutter from whence they came, Acbarrage of shame and ridicule directed honestly and without fear can rectify wrongs without singing the innocent, salen adbeast pr abea Saebed sak P.S.e How are the Calif. goober berries, uae o Mesa ian Svan ities Bales i eS ne as April 2, 1945. Mr. A. D. Lang, Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc., Kensas City, Mo. Dear Friend Leng: Thanks so much for the clipping from the Forty Years Ago colum. Ernie Quigley had torn this out and handed it to ne, so this is the sesond one, but I do thank you for it. I am so happy that your Dad is getting along so splendidly and the hip is set and things are going well. Yes, thank you, Mrs. Allen told me that there would be no TWA calendar this year, but I do appreciate your thoughtfulness. With every good wish for you, your Dad's and Mother's con- tinued health, prosperity and happiness, I am / Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. Mr. H. Fe Lang, $901 Porrest, Kansas City, ats Dear Mire Lang: Last satel night when I wag in to see the basketball finals ef the National Collegiate, I learned from your son that you had had an unfortunate accident. : - My father several yoars ago had the same accident, and hs WAS like you < gritty and didn't give up, so he just trested that broken hip as an incident, had it fixed, and ten yeers after that ho was ambling on beth of his pedal extremities in good shape. Here's hoping the same success fox you. ie are awfully sorry for your accident, but we are : es you well now in » rapid mend. - Surgical science has developed some wonderful advancements since my father was injured. They did not have the silver nail or spike te fix things up as they now have, so I am trusting thet everything is very gatisiacto:y with you and that it will not be long befere you will be out again. : Si ded ON dae Sh oka Goranidion Mel. 2 peaier gud Keel. We: Shouse so vividly. The fact that you have kept up your interest all these years attests to your vision and your kindly attitude toward humanity . With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, 3 Direetor of Physical Education, FCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. Merch 13, 1945. Mr. Robort BE. Learned, Commander, Dorsey-Liberty Post Wo. 14, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Commander Learned: I am to speak at New York School on "Father's Night", Thuraday, March 15th, but I will immediately come to your meeting as I desire to hear Mr. Pranske's speech. Very sincerely you's, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Lawrence, Kansas iwarch 11,1945. br. Forrest G. Allen, 801 Louisiana street, Lawrence, kansas. pear br. allen: we are having as our speaker for our meeting ¢hursday uvening march 15th, udward We Franzke, state wanpower birector, who is to speak on the smployment part of the act known as the Gg. i:s bibl of Rights. | aS a member of the Draft Board of Douglas Gounty i wish to extend to you an invitation to be with us Yhursday uvening. {rusting that we may have the pleasure of your presents Yhursday «vening, i am sincerely yours, filed Charned Meroh 15, 1945. Mr. A. We Livingston, E. W. Bacharach & Company, Rialto Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Livingston: 7 As president of the Lawrence Country Glub, I have been endeavoring to prepare the menbership for the possibility of our building a:swimming pool at our club house this year as goon as priorities and finances permit. If you have some figures on some of the somtry slub pools in Kansas I would appreciate your giving mo some figures. And too, if you should be going through Lawrence, Kangas, any timo I should like for you to stop by and I would . drive you out to the club and look over our grounds. ‘We went an outdoor awimming pool adjacent to the club house. I would appreciate an early’ reply. pe Very sincerely yours, a Direator of Physical Bducation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. dJamary 9, 1945. Mr. Williem Lindquist, 122 North 13th Street, Kensas City 2, Kansas. Deax Bilis unpaid on your bill to me, end I am wonilering if you are in position now to take care of it. I am sure you knew it was my own money that I had worked for, that I loaned you. T trust that things are going well with you, and hope to hear from you at your early convenience. : With best wishes, T am Sincerely your's, FCA:AH Varei ty Basketball Coach. Pebruary 24, 1945. Mr. William FP. Lindquist, 121 North 135th Street, Kansas City 2, Kansas. Dear Bill: I wanted to write you previously and to thank you for your renittanse, liquidating your indebtedness to me. It was mighty nice of you to take care of this, and although I was glad to wait a period of tims, I do appreciate the remittance. I have a questionnaire here from the Liberty Mutual regarding your application for a bond. I will be happy to give you an A Number One rating, of course. And by the way, Bill, I do not know whether you are planning to go to school any more, but next year you would be eligible to enter. The University has a ruling that when you fail so many hourg you must stay out one semester, After that time you are eligible to apply for re-admission. I thought I should mention this to you to straighten up a student's dilemm because he does not always imow the angles, academically, of a University. Diff- erent sehools have different rulings. Give my kindest regards to your kood family, and your lady love, if it is the same one you used to have. — Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Hiucation, FCA: AH os Varsity Basketball Coach. — Pebruary 27, Mra. Paul B. Lawson, » 2215 Vermont Sst., Lawrence, Kansas. - Dear Mrs. Lawson; The enclosed clippings may provide you with some interesting reading, as I promised you on the occasion of our visit last Satirday evening at the basketball game. e \ Bineerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Eno. : 1945. February 19, 1945. Mre Ray Lance, 1187 Indiana 8t., Lawrence, Kansas. - Dear Rays Thank you for bringing in the book and the shoes that you had checked out. I a sorry that your studies conflicted with your coming out for basketball more often. Wishing you continued success in your medical course, _ ZI am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, POA: AH : Varsity Basketball Coach. KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE REES H. HUGHES, PRESIDENT PITTSBURG, KANSAS February 5, 1945. Dr. Forrest ¢. Allen, Coach of Basketball, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: You probably tire of taking care of requests made of you but I hope that you will not mind Biving me as good a rating as you can for ny work in two of your games and mailing the two rating cards to Mr. St. Clair. I believe that I have written before that The Southwest Officials Association has requested that I have ratings from the coaches for all of the games that I work during the present season. Thanking you for this favor and with every best wish. I. am Sincerely yours, auer eC nF. Lance, Pebruary 6, 1945. Mr. Ernest K. Lindley, NEWSWEEK, 1227 National Press Building, Washington 4, D. C.. Dear Ernest: Thanks for your good letter and for the attached clipping from the Washington Ster. It was nice of you to send ig. Our reciprecal best wishes to the Lindley clan. Sineerely yours, : Direster of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Newsweelk 1227 NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING, WASHINGTON 4, D. C. January 31, 1945 Mr. Forrest Allen 801 Louisiana Street Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I thought you might like to have the attached clipping from the Washington Star, especially since a pretty good picture of you is part of it. Best wishes to the whole Allen family. Cordially yours, C ee’ Ernest K. Lindley te 8 MAG AZ lL ONE O F NBS wes S-2f3G. NE FP eke AN CE STATE TEACHERS Ct REES H. HUGHES, PRESIDENT PITTSBURG, KANSAS _ January 2h, 1945. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Coach of Basketball, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: Just a line this morning to ask another favor of you. I will have Bill Hamilton and three of my players with me when I am in Lawrence to work in your Iowa State game Saturday. I would like for you to reserve ‘four of your chairs at the end of the floor for these boys. I shall see you at the Gym early in the evening. Sincerely yours, n F, Lafice. January 16, 1945. Er, John F. Lindquist, Principal, Ogewkie Rural High Sehool, Ozewkie, Kansas. Dear Pringipal Lindquist: Mr. Glarence Douglass will be glad to referee your basketball game on January 26, at a fee of $12.50. a He is a very fine besketball official, and I am glad to i recommend him to you. Will you kindly notify hin of the time of your game? His address is - Mr. Clarence Douglass, Kensas Electric Power Co., Service Depte, Lawrence, Kansas. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. FACULTY JOHN F. LINDQUIST, B.S. M.A. »HISTORY, SOCIAL SCIENCE nes Ozatukie Rural Aigh School HOME ECONOMICS. SCIENCE EDUCATION FOR CITIZENSHIP JAUNITA MCCULLOUGH. A.B. BOARD OF EDUCATION IRL BAKER, DIRECTOR GLEN R. LEHMAN, CLERK ALVA KEIM, TREASURER ENGLISH, MUSIC JOHN F. LINQUIST, PRINCIPAL CUSTODIAN EDWARD F, BRUNTON ERNEST F. GERBER INDUSTRIAL ARTS ®zatukie, Kansas Jan. ll, 1945 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrenee, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am very glad to hear that you may be able to supply us with a referee for our basketball games on Jan. 26. I am paying some of my referees $10.00 and one I am paying $12.50. There is no extra mileage or expense with either of these. I will be glad to hear about a referee at your very earliest convenience. Very 2 ae q- rhe 7. January 9, 19436. tir. John P. Lindgzist, Principal, Ozawicie Rural High Sahool, Ozawkis, Kansas. Dear Principal Lindquist: t believe we can get officials for you for Jammry 26, but you did not state the fee you are accustomed to paying. With thé gasolina problem what it is, wo may have a little difficulty, and they won't take a date for little or nothing I shall be glad to hear from you again. 2 Direator of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. FACULTY BOARD OF EDUCATION N F. LINDQUIST, B.S. M.A. aa c IRL BAKER, DIRECTOR HISTORY. SOCIAL SCIENCE ‘ Ss : e FRANCES STEMBER. A,B. p tok l | GLEN R. LEHMAN, CLERK MATHEMATICS ’ ZA te urd T Cc no HAZEL LINDQUIST, B.s ALNA REIN. TREASURER HOME ECONOMICS, SCIENCE EDUCATION FOR CITIZENSHIP ee EE EOuen, a's: JOHN F. LINQUIST, PRINCIPAL CUSTODIAN ENGLISH, MUSIC EDWARD F, BRUNTON ERNEST F. GERBER ; INDUSTRIAL ARTS ®zatskie, Kansas Jan. 8, 1945 Mr. Phog. Alien *. Head Coach of Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen:. This is a desperate call to find us a basketball ref- eree for our two games of basketball here on Friday eve- ning, Jan. 26, with the Winchester high school teams, both boys and girls. We cannot seem to find any in either To- peka or Atchison. The assistance of you and your Seontneet will be greatly appreciated in this matter. Very sincerely yours, | f we Lindl” Principal