Noverber 23, 1942. Mr. Frank Lichty, 1602 Louisiana St., Lawrence, * ansas. Dear Prenk: | In view of the congested schedule in Robinson - Gymasium I em wondering if it would not be well for you to change your reservation for December 18th to a Saturday evening. Ye have basketball practice on Friday nights, end since the Navy uses the Auditorium on Fridays it is ime possible for us to go over there. See a ee rum until 5:20, and you would have no chance te decorates. On Saturday afternoons we have no conditioning classes, and you could decorate any time after 12:30 if you so desired. We will be practicing basketball every day and night, and your party on the second flocr of Robinson Gymnasium on Fri- day night would kmeck out a basketball practice. If you can arrange it for a Saturday night we will be happy to cooperate. Another group has esked for the first floor of the gymmasiun for Saturday night, December 19, but I see no reason why you could not have your party on the second fleor the same evening. I shall be glad to talk to you if you wish. Sincerely aaa - Direotor of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.