“Speen cuentas 80 aay Shee be teetrenis tints teratnees have SOMO» ow sti, of the following additional items: ! Se 2 Jair oxiuning twunks * Shoes, similar in design to the U.S. hubber Company shoe commonly imown as the ‘Big Leaguer’, or equal, including black duck upper, molded rubber sole, built-in fecible eavh, wusiien eel, srw ineela, white laces, side eteys, yall peer eyelets: ts Gym trunk, Cremerton Army Khaki No. 1 shade or equal, S-ounce cloth, full out with saddle seat, draw-etring waists $290 each. 4 ter, Hike Hoe 5 or equal: $26 each. | @e Socks, cushion foot, wool and cotton, G