OTTAWA ILLINOIS Dr. Forrest Allen, Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kan October 15,194] Dear Sir: We'll make this letter as short as possible because we feel certain that, as a coach, you are already familiar with the facts concerning the new Fan-Shaped Basketball Bankboards and Goals. And being aware. of those facts, you do doubtessly intend to equip your gymnasium with this new equipment, if you have not already done so. Therefore, we ask that if you have installed the new Fan-—Shaved banks, you notify us of that fact “by a notation at the bottom of this letter. If you haven’t yet installed Fan-Shaped Banks, be sure you see the PORTER bank before you buy. No other bankboard on the market offers you all the features found in the product of this 73-year-old corporation, successors to Spalding, Chicago, and Louden lines of Gymnasium, Playground and Swimming Pool Equipment. So certain are we of the superiorities of the PORTER Bank and Goal that we invite you to inspect an actual PORTER install — tion before you buy. We’ll gladly furnish you, upon request, with the name of a PORTER-equipped school in your vicinity, Won’t you take pen in hand NOW and tell us whether or not you have as yet installed Fan-Shaped Bankboards in your gymnasium? A postage free return envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Thanks very much. Very truly yours, as E. PORTER CORPORATION Cheha C. Tetagt JCL3H John c. Labagh P.S. Difficulties in raw material procurement will shortly force prices of Fan-Shaped Banks to higher levels. It is definitely to your advantage to place your order now!