Nov. 1, 1941 Mr. Rolané Legan Head Trainer United States Military Acadeny West Point, New York Dear Roland, Thank you very much for your kindness in your willingness to prooure ne four tickets for the Army-Navy game. I am sending you @ personal check for $17.81 in payment and I*d appreciate it if you will get the very best segts possible for me. Will you kindly send the tickets by registered letter to Robert _ Earl Allen, Room 44 Morris Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philedelphia, Pa.? -Bleanor and Bob are both at Penn. — Will you kindly notify me when you mail the tickets out to him? Mrs. Allen and I are planning if possible to slip up and see the game. If I do not go, doubtless she will. I have my basketball - ‘so I'm afraid to go far away at such a time unless I nay trip. At any rate the tickets will be in Bob's possession and we can operate from that location. ~ I do want to thank you very much for your kindness, Poland. Give my very best regards to the boys at the Point. I'11 always remember their hospitality to our Varsity basketball aggragation. fhe boys still talk about the wonderful time they had at the Point. I knew how busy you are with all your many duties, but I'm glad - that ghings are going better for you. Everything is 0K. on 7 old Mt. Oread although our football team has been somewhat of a disappointment. The Big Six Conference should be divided into - the "Big Pocketbook League” with Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, and the "Little Pocketbook League” with Kansas, Kansas State, and Iowa State. Then there would be a tight fight in both leagues. With all good wishes to your family, your wife, and to you I am : | Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pe Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach