June 25th, 1941 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Kansas City, Missouri Gentlemen: I am herewith returning under separate cover, seven unused boxes of badminton shuttlecocks which I wish to exchange for serial tennis darts. I would like to have you secure acrial tennis dart birdies which are manufactured by the Seils Aerial Tennis Company there in Kansas City. We would like to get these as soon as possible as we wish to use them in our Sumer Recreation Frogram. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA:re 2 Lhe, coneting Be iy mer (a BOTTI dons A. | a ¢ han 6 bnsclah July 26th, 1941 lie. Paul Fairhuret Lowe & Campbell Kansas City, Missouri Dear Pauls Inclosed find my check in the sum of two dollars end fifty cents, seme being for volley ball néb and deck temiis ring. With kindest personal regards, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketbal and Baseball Coach. ; PCA:re July 28th, 1941 Mr. Robert Lynn Kerrylyn Petroleum Co. % First National Bank Bide. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Dear Bob: I have heard nothing from Vic or Gwinn regarding my trip to Oklahoma City. I believe that you said you would write to one of them and suggest that I come down to interview your prospect. I assure you I will be happy to do this at some time convenient with you. ) Vie told me that he was down to see you and perhaps you and he got the job done when he was there. Am I correct? You can understand my position in this matter. I cannot initiate it. But, it was my understanding that you would write them suggesting such a procedure. With all good wishes for your continued success and happiness, I an, Fraternally yours, Director of Physical Education’ and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA: re July 31, Mr. Robert He Lynn, Kerlyn 011 Company, | First National Oklahoma City, Okla. Dear Bobs The carbon copy of your letter addressed to Vie Hurt was received this morning. While I was teaching classes Vic came in and left a notation with my secretary that he would discuss this with me at my convenience. Soccer y orig ake ghee rma gg tg SS ee ee did want you to know that I was waiting for something to a I could make a move, Thank you for writing. I shall & progress report in a few days, as soon as I talk with With all good wishes, I an Praternally yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. July 29, 1941 Mr. Vic Hurt University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Vic: A couple of months ago, over long distance, I suggested to you that possibly it would be of some assistance to you and your department if you would send Dr. Allen down here on a short visit. Inasmuch as I have not heard from Dr. Allen, I am wondering if you followed up on this matter. Kindest regards. Yours very truly, oS REL: LIM : es peo: Dr. F. GC. aut Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas august 7, 1941. ~ Oe lowe, sat fs baat ie i deal fei els Het Hi Hl at ui eu Hind an ; iS Director of Physical Education end Recreation, Sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach. With best wishes, I em August 13, 1941. Kerlyn 011 Company, Oklahoma City, Okla. DearBob : Upon my return from Topeka I received your letter of - August llth. I feel pretty badly disappointed about this situation. After your carbon copy came to my desk end I was appraised of your writing Vic, two or three days afterward Vic came in and talked to me about going down to Oklahoma City. We discussed the matter at » gome length, and I told him of course I could not go without author- - ity from Gwinn. ofS evsieet ee tit Gwinn was out on a fishing trip and as soon as he returned Vie talked to’ him, but in the meantime about a week had ensued. I had’ no decision from the conference, and after about three or four more days Mr. Earl Falkenstien spoke to me and said Gwinn thought I had better go down. . 4 I am serving on the University draft deferment board, which meets three times a week, The registrar and I were in Topeka yesterday in regard to that matter. I was teaching the eight weeks in the Sumer Session, so it was impossible for me to be free to get away before the close of summer school on /ugust 6th. It seems thet almost every day boys have been coming in from towns over Kansas wanting to discuss their problems for enrollment next year. In the meantime, Chuck Stricklend wired me and asked me to come to Mason City prior to my coaching school in Iowa. ‘any times I heve felt that I did too little for Phi Psi, and when Chuck put the pressure on I acquiesced. Then too, it will give me a couple of days vacation before I get into the heavy coaching work of the Iowa High School Coaches Association. I will be finished there the week ending the 22nd or 25rd. I will return to Lawrence end be here until my daughter Jane is married on September 6th. The groom's father is coming down from Chicago to play golf with me on Friday, September Sth, and on the Srd of September they have me billed to speak here at one of the gatherings of the Extension Divisione | Therefore, I have the week of the 25th to 50th open. Even though you will not be in town if you will prepare the ground for me I will come down and meet those tw boys, because I mow that you want me to do it. And since Gwinn has given permission for me ole -to travel on the train it will not be any hardship to get on the Sante. Fe streamliner and come down to meet these boys, then come | back on the train. | When you called me last Commencement week and asked for this conference I know you well enough to know that you went me to carry through on tiis project. And I eam loyal to you in your desires to do the job the best I can, even though it is not the way we want ite I know I can sell the boys on the University, es- pecially when the ground has been prepared as fertilely as it has been by your giving these boys jobs for the year. So write me and tell me that it will be agreeable for me to do this. Give me the boys' names and addresses and I will | work through youvon the dete that I should come. If you will. send @ letter to my office it will be forwarded end I will reply prep ely from my Iowa address, Even though Dean licGee will not be there, I will with your help make connection with somebody so that we can do the job. +P OGD Sevesinitai you that, I wean this unfortsmate situation, but desiring to call your attention to the fact that I have done everything humanly possible to make en agreeable and convenient date, I am, with kindest personal regards, Fraterna lly yours, 4 ) anne of ‘lclann Education and Recreation, PCA:AH | ‘Varsity Basketball Coache — ~ KERLYN OIL COMPANY FIRST NATIONAL BUILDING (K S cers OKLAHOMA City, OKLA. ROBERT H. LYNN EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT August ll, 1941 7 & br. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I am disappointed at the time arrangements that you can be down here but appre- ciate your circumstances and know nothing can be done. I plan to be out of the office the latter part of August and the first week of September and Dean MeGee, the only other K. U. boy here, to be of assistance to you will, also, be gone at that time. I am afraid we will just have to forget your trip this summer and I will see if I can work on your prospects down here toward getting in the Ssehool and if so will get in touch with you. Best regards, Yours very truly, RHL: LIM (6+- ET TO THIS PAPER MADE OF COTTON August 25, 1941. lr. Harry Levine, 5435 Summer Street, Lynn, Mess. Dear Harry: Thank you for your very good letter. I have just returned from the Iowa High Sehool Athletic Association Coaching School in which Clark Sheughnessy of Stanford, Bernie Bierman of Minnesota, Henry Iba of Oklehoma Ae & Ms, and I were the teachers. We had a very nice trip and it wes a splendid association with each other. : ' the investment, Harry, I beg to state that 1 am in no position to invest a thousand dollars at the present time. Bobby Allen graduated in pre~medio work here at the Univ- ersity, making Phi Bete Kappae le is entering the University of Pennsylvania Medical School this fall in Philedelphie. Eleanor, the youngest deughter, will also enroll et Pennsylvania along with Bobby. Her dominant reason is, no doubt, that having spent two yoars at home in the- University of fansas she desires to go to school away from homes My daughter Jane is getting married here on September 6th to a young Princetqn graduate who lives in Chi- CALI | You can see from the above that Mrs. ‘llen end I will | have definite need for all fumds on hand or to be obtained, So I am thanking you for your kind offer but telling you thet under the circumstances I will be lucky if I have any money to invest in the next few yearae If a fellow can keep the wolf away from the door he will be especially lucky. I trust that you made the bar exam in good shape. With all good wishes to you end yours, { am Sincerely yours, Director of FP Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity ytbal.l and Basebell Coach. August 25, 1941. Fraternally, — Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache From the desk of R. H. LYNN August 29, 1941. Mr. Donald Y. Lowe, Middle Amana, Towa. Dear Nr. Lowe: Dy. Allen returned from his coaching duties in Town end has been in the office very little of late. He left word with me that you desires his new text, “Better Basketball", _— by the MeGraw-Hill Compeny of New Yorke Dre Allen retains only a few copies here for autograph purposes, and leaves the sale of his text to the sbiiahot sal thd vakkioen apuebiing aude: house. 1 er ieebidas <4 pee eed Ne ant ere send me the wording of the autogreph that you would desire in the book. I lmow Dr. Allen would be very happy to do this for you and it is for that purpose I em writing yous He said something about the text being sent c.-0.d. Per= sonally, I think it would be much cheaper if you will kindly mail a check for $4.00 because you will save the remittance charges and the extra postage. : A meee = ae AE TES ee Oe ee ao Setar Ser Rewer ete Sincerely yours, “a | , Secretary to Dr. F. C. Allen.