ole -to travel on the train it will not be any hardship to get on the Sante. Fe streamliner and come down to meet these boys, then come | back on the train. | When you called me last Commencement week and asked for this conference I know you well enough to know that you went me to carry through on tiis project. And I eam loyal to you in your desires to do the job the best I can, even though it is not the way we want ite I know I can sell the boys on the University, es- pecially when the ground has been prepared as fertilely as it has been by your giving these boys jobs for the year. So write me and tell me that it will be agreeable for me to do this. Give me the boys' names and addresses and I will | work through youvon the dete that I should come. If you will. send @ letter to my office it will be forwarded end I will reply prep ely from my Iowa address, Even though Dean licGee will not be there, I will with your help make connection with somebody so that we can do the job. +P OGD Sevesinitai you that, I wean this unfortsmate situation, but desiring to call your attention to the fact that I have done everything humanly possible to make en agreeable and convenient date, I am, with kindest personal regards, Fraterna lly yours, 4 ) anne of ‘lclann Education and Recreation, PCA:AH | ‘Varsity Basketball Coache — ~