DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION E. LeRoy Mercer, M. D., Dean May 16, 1941 Frederick W. Luehring, Assistant to the Dean Professor of Physical Education Dr. Forrest C. "Phog" Allen Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"s: Recently I heard that the University of Kansas is considering Dr. George Baxter Smith, Associate Professor of Education at State University, Iowa, for the position of Dean of your College of Hduca- tion. Since I have known George Smith throughout his undergraduate end graduate courses and his professional life up to the present time, I thought you might be interested to know what his attitude might be relative to Health, Physical Education and Recreation, including Intercollegiate Athletics, as an important part of these programse George Smith is an energetic, hard worker, who regards our vro- fessional field as an important and fundamental part of the field of general education. As an undergraduate he won an appointment as Varsity Track Manager at the University of Minnesota on a merit basis in one of the stiffest competitions we had during my nine years as Director of the Department there. Besides this, he has a fine sense of humor which helps him carry the many difficult problems which fall to the lot of en education administrator. He got along fine with our staff members and seemed to have a deep interest also in our Intra- murel Athletics ané-in our courses of Physical Education and Recrea- tion. I believe he would be an asset to any college or university offering professional leadership in our field. We are looking forward to meeting your: son when he comes to the medical school here. I hope you and Mrs. Allen will pay us a visit when you bring him out here. We live in Swarthmore. With very best wishes, Very sincerely yours, x FWL: emb F, W. Iuehring