Lowe & Campbell . Athletic Goods Company 1509 Baltimore Kansas City, Missouri Gentlenens Please find enclosed my personal check for $26086 | This check is to cover one only Ve70 Footbath fray, $8095, shipped to me on the 2ist of Octobers also one only NS@l TT Table, $17.00, shipped to Miller Hall, Lawrence, “enease The total of these two bille would be $25.95, less 52¢ which is 2% discout for cash in 10 days, leaving a total of $25.43. To this emount I am adding the 43¢ for parcel post and insurance on the footbath traye FEES GONG up So the Gnoues Tene oy Anctonted on my cheeks : Very cordially yours, Director of serail. Biveation and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslz . | : Ente COLBY COLLEGE WATERVILLE, MAINE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION November 1, 1940 Prof. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Prof. Allen: br. Harry Scott, President of the College Physical Education Association, has set up a plan to display various administrative and instructional forms, bulletins and pamphlets at our annual meeting in New York on December 30 and 31, and he has appointed several members to secure this collection from the many institutions throughout the country. Dr. Scott has asked me to secure the material and arrange the display of various forms, -- printed, mimeographed or otherwise-- relating to the organization and administration of your physical education service courses and teacher training programs, I should appreciate it very much if you would send to me, or have one of your colleagues send to me samples of all forms used by your department in the required or elective service courses and in your major or minor teacher training courses. Each college will be allotted a separate space for its display within the four divisions of the material collected by those of us appointed to arrange this display. I sincerely hope that you will take a few minutes of your time to compile any material which you have in your department for our display, because I am sure that many of us will receive a great deal of benefit from the experience and practice of our colleagues. I appreciate your effort in behalf of the College Physical Education Association in making this phase of the pro- gram at our annual meeting a success, and that you will forward to me immediately such display material in order that I might have ample time to assemble the collection, Looking forward to meeting you in New York on December 50 and 31, and with my very best wishes to you, I remain Sincepely youPs, ST Kosle G Loebs Director of/Health and Physical Education GFL/Mc : mwp tee ‘ovenber 8 1940 Mire Ge Fe Losbs | Director of Health ent Paystoal Sducation Colby College 7 Waterville, Mains ‘Dear ire Losbse Your letter of Woveuber 1 requesting eee ee ee ee Edueation has been reveivede Dre Alton 4s out of tom at the cs ba bieeine enga genentse Your letter will | be brought to his attention as oe to the offices Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Forrest Ce Allen ‘ovenber 11, 1940 Tre Vernon Pe Lapp Alabama Polytechnic Institute Auburn, Alabama tear Dre Lapps Dre Elbel handed me your check made out _ for $10.00, which was the threeemy division between us for the Rasketball Evaluation Stadye I want to thank you very much for sending this to me and I wish you and yours the happiness of Thanksgiving and the Yuletide'’s blessings Sincerely yours, Mireetor of Physical Tdueation and Recreation Versity Baskethbell Coach FCAslg December 7, 1940 Miss Gevene Landrith 1400 Whitney Avenve New Haven, Connecticut Deer Gevene: We were delighted to hear from you and wat teen me ee ee ee was because we were waiting until nifty sehedule ards ready to sent yous They ha rived now and we are sending several to you so that you might give one or two to your good Jayhawk friends and keep one for yourself, You will see the dates we are to play in New York and Philedelphie, and we would be delighted to see yous Te Dave eheped Sen-cuntee au eit and last night we played the freshmene Both games were close but the Varsity was fortunate enough to win theme Of course, wo saw the Landrith family at both contests; they never misSe But we do miss yous "é $ 4 HF ” With all good wishes to you and for your con« ‘ tinued success and happiness, I ay Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Desenber 77,1940 Ure Karl H,. Royer Merchandise Manager Lowe & Campbell 1509-li-13 Baltimore Avenue Kansag City, Missouri Dear Karls Thank you very much for the correction and the notation : Better Basketball on page 3 of The Coach™, This 18 a@ good boost for the book and it serves as a proper corrections — I also want to thank you for wiring Fair Play regarding the scoreboarde I too hone that we can have it here for our game according to their promises Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT ARNO F. HEINRICH, V.P.& FACY. SUPT. LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER O.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. R.C. CAMPBELL, VICE PRESIDENT : REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR LES R.FREEBURG, Vice PRES.& TREAS KARL H.ROYER, MOSE. MANAGER KEITH W. DANCY, CREDIT MANAGER bye: 2. Chomp, ATHLETIG) GOODS; EC BOSTON, MASS. DALLAS, TEXAS CHICAGO, (LL. ST. PAUL, MINN. Sst. tours, MO. DETROIT, MICH. DENVER, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE,N.C. KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO PHILADELPHIA, PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON, D.C. KANSAS CITY, KANS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, !1OWA WORCESTER,MASS. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING PETA/L 1809 -//-/3 BALTIMORE AVE., Kawys:s,; Craze, December 6,1940 Dre Forrest C, Allen, Basket Ball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. pear "Phog" : We are enclosing a copy of our December Issue of "The Coach" that we are just beginning to mail out. On page 35 you will find a note correcting our advertise- ment on your book and, naturally, we hope that this may help to bring in many additional orders. Very truly, L AMPBELL 7 1 H. Royer chandise Manager KHR/rw : Enel e - Desember 16, 1940 ire Ce Moffatt Order Supervisor Lows, & Campbell 1509=ll~13 Baltimore Avee Kanses City, Missouri Dear li. Moffatt: Thark you for your information regarding the special nets as well as the Ever Up tees. Your service and your spirit of service is always very goods Sincerely Yours, firector of Physical Education ond Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER _ LES R. FREEBURG, Ass'T GEN'L MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON, D. C. KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORCESTER, MASS. R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER ATHLETIC GOODS DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL 1509 -/1-/32 BALTIMORE AVE., Miu sas, Orang Ue, December 14,1940 (CAMPBELL, rIC_GOODS ff FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR CHICAGO, ILL. DALLAS, TEXAS ST. PAUL, MINN. St. LOUIS, MS. DETROIT, MICH. DEN V E-R;, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. BOSTON. MASS. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Dr. Allens We have received a purchaseorder from the State Office for the special nets on which Mr. Fairhurst quoted you, and we have ordered this from the factory. It will probably require about ten days in which to make delivery. Wesre temporarily out of the Ever Up tees which you also ordered, but these can be procured from the factory, and we expect to have them in your hands by Wednesday or Thursday of next week. Sorry that we cold not ship these to you immediately. Very truly yours, LOBE & CAMPBELL B [a ee 7 \ cyber CM:NRH December 19, 1940 ire Kerl Ha. Royer Lowe & Campbell | 1509-11-13 Baltimore ‘vee Kansas City, Moe Dear Kari: It looks as if the boys in Lawrence are a little lame on getting started with the basketball lay-out. As far as I am concerned, I am not going te rush them and if they do nothing ebout it then we will forget the ten doller ed. However, I want you to mow that I thank you very much for offering to help us oute Let's leave it in abeyance until we hear more definitely from the people who were supposed to do the jode. i want to thenk you very, very much for your kindnesse Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Pecreation Versity Basketball Coach FcAiig:min Te od Tien: Mre Maloney called and’ said he would like to see you.and ge over this =. whole matter. He says it has been, °- impossible for him to’ do- anything’ about it because he has been run‘to — deaths. _* “8 Mre Maloney will be'on the Hill Seturday morning and he will come over to :see youe I told him you had to leave at 11:00 AM. ; y G. te P.S. I read the last paragraph oft'this letter to Mre Maloney. ' GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT O.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. LES R.FREEBURG, Vice PRES.& TREAS. KANSAS CITY,MO. MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. CINCINNAT!, OHIO PHILADELPHIA, PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON,D.C. KANSAS CITY,KANS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES,!IOWA WORCESTER,MASS. ARNO F. HEINRICH,V.P. & FACc'Y. SUPT. R.C.CAMPBELL, VicE PRESIDENT KARL H.ROYER, MoSE&. MANAGER bowie Chomerraa, saieteaiee we LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR KEITH W.DANCY, CREDIT MANAGER BOSTON, MASS. DALLAS, TEXAS CHICAGO, (UL. ST. PAUL, MINN. ST. Lours, Mo. DETROIT, MICH. DENVER, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE,N.C. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL 4S09 -//-/32 BALTIMORE AVE., May sas, Cray Mo, December 9,1940 Dre Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear “Phog"; I talked to the Fair Play Company late Saturday afternoon on the telephone and they told me about their troubles in trying to get your basket ball score board out. They were having difficulty in getting certain parts from the factory but they told me that they were planning on working all day yesterday (Sunday) if necessary so that if humanly possible they could ship your board Sunday evening by express so you would have this morning. Of course I haven't heard at this writing whether or not they were able to do it, but I am hoping they were and you have received today and are able to get it installed for your game tonight. I discussed the other matter that you talked to me about - that is, your souvenir basket ball program,with Marion Miller and he suggests that I let you know we'll be happy to take a space as you have recommended. Let Marion know the size so that he can prepare his lay-out accordingly. As we understood you over the phone, the cost would be $10.00 for the space. Ae 3 pe: Z NS