Lowe & Campbell . Athletic Goods Company 1509 Baltimore Kansas City, Missouri Gentlenens Please find enclosed my personal check for $26086 | This check is to cover one only Ve70 Footbath fray, $8095, shipped to me on the 2ist of Octobers also one only NS@l TT Table, $17.00, shipped to Miller Hall, Lawrence, “enease The total of these two bille would be $25.95, less 52¢ which is 2% discout for cash in 10 days, leaving a total of $25.43. To this emount I am adding the 43¢ for parcel post and insurance on the footbath traye FEES GONG up So the Gnoues Tene oy Anctonted on my cheeks : Very cordially yours, Director of serail. Biveation and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslz . | : Ente