*« ARNO’F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER » O. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER LES R. FREEBURG, Ass‘T GEN‘'L MANAGER R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER OWE: & CAM PBE x. 8 é ATHLETIC GOODS lf DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CoO. ¢ KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON, D. C. KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORCESTER, MASS. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL 1509-11-12 BALTIMORE AVE., May sas; Grn Me, January 14, 1941 Mr. E. B. DeGroot, Jr. Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas j Lewrence, Kansas Dear Mr. DeGroot: FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR CHICAGO, ILL. DALLAS, TEXAS ST. PAUL, MINN. St LOU rs, Mo. DETROIT, MICH. DENVER. COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. BOSTON, MASS. We have just received your letter of January 13th relative to the balls repaired for you and we must admit that a mistake has been made on your order, not in the way in which it was billed to you but rather in the bid that we made covering the repairs on these balls, An error in transcription failed to list one of these balls as being rejected, other four balls is as follows: The correct price for the one at 80¢, one at $1,15, one at $1,55, and one at $1.80, which includes all of the repairs and the necessary parts. This totals $5.30. We realize that we should have shown the various component costs of the total but failed to do so and also failed to indicate that one ball should have been rejected because of its general condition. By way of adjusting our error, we suggest that you allow us to credit your account for 20% or one-fifth of the total amount of the charge, This should serve to satisfy an auditor of your account concerning the discrepancy between the bid and the invoice, Please advise us if it will be satisfactory to put through this credit and if so, we will mke adjustment at Once. Very truly yours | LOWE & CAMPB Cli: CG