Jamuery 18, 1942 eo ; Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Coe 1509 Baltimore Avenue Kansas oo _ae Dear Sirs : During the Christmas Holidays we sent you five basketbalis for repair and asked you to subait a bid for the works You quoted $5.30, less o* discount in 10 devs, for five basketballse However, one basketball was returned "rejected", and todey we received your statement in the amount of $5050, less 2% discount in 10 days, making a total of $5019 for repair of ioe basketballse We are icilecing if 4 mistake has been made in the statement sent to us since the price you quote — for repair of five basketballs is the same cs: yor-are ‘Asking for four basketballs von the statements We would appreciate an early replys Sincerely yours, Pebe DeGroot repartment of Physical Education