Mire Karl Royer Merchandise Mamager | Lowe & Campbell Athletic Sodds Coe 1509-11-13 Baltimore Avenue = Kansas City, ees | Dear Mire Royers a In looking over your Pall and Winter Catalog, Athletic Goods, ee I note in a description of my book that you state it contains’ approximately 400 pagese There ig & slight error in this because there are sree ne ee re oe ORE MO phahogiarhe ee e - | I realise thet you bevk alias Ses neh space to my book and _ bave mentioned practically all the important details, but I believe after _ studying this book and putting it beside some of the others that it deserves the spaces ‘You will pardon the unjustifiable pride that I have in this text, but by comparing it with some of the others I believe it merits a little Dea a : 3 I do appreciate also, Title Win DuNt Cin you placed ay text text in _ the top spote If you do not mmke eny other changes in the next catalog, I “would appreciate it if you would make the correction in the number of pagess This emall matter to bother a busy man withs But I am constantly locking to see how wo can inorease the legitimate sales of this texte : Too, I do want to thank you for yow generous display of GoaleHi. You have certainly given us a dinger of an ad on page 27, and I want you to know that Goalelli is really sellinge It An also keeping the wolf fron the ; garage door at the Allen households a | : \ : Foe ohding oa punk mag A Geek aati Sheek you aloudien midnete ball scoreboards We would need two faces for ours if we got one, because of the location ef the students on the stage and the spectators in the main _ @uditoriua of Hoch phlestra. I am wondering what price you could quote for providing two faces with the scoreboards, I would like to have this information and would appreciate it if you are able te quote pricese Perhaps I should have ee en With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, _ FOAslg Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach t