February 8, 1939. AAU team in the countrye I did say this — that of the college basketball formed into a team would stand at least an even chance with any AAU team under organi= fZatione makes little difference with most independent managers support= ing AAU teamse You can see that the AAU, “Amateur Athletic Union", is a misnomer, as there are no strictly amteurs on the AAU teense They are professionsls or semi-professionals. , ‘But the reason why I contend that the best pick of-the college group could whip the best pick of the AAU group thank you for your kind words regarding ny son's dial id cakuata ete oa cee iene Gibbens Gs Mimensees 0 eek tees ' €%oo much independent basketball after he has finished After a boy goes to college four years and obtains a fine background of educational imouledge, then my notion is that