A $250,000.00 M «CONTEST A “Wing? goett Larso® blooming thing en th world 1s.” grniwet gd¥T ok RONALD COLMAN in the Grand Love Story FRANK LLOYD’S “IF I WERE KING” Everyone who has ever been in love, who has ever dreamed of love, will thrill to Frank Lloyd’s glorious version of this immortal love story of a poet-rogue who dared to love the most beautiful lady at the French Court, as it is played by Holly- wood’s most romantic star... the dashing Ronald Colman. it BOB BURNS as that Roving Philosopher “THE ARKANSAS TRAVELER” Everyone of the millions who have seen Bob Burns on the screen, who have chuckled at his genial] humor on the radio will cheer this glorious op- portunity of America’s beloved comedian to play a role cut to his own measurements...the char- acter of a roving printer with a heart bigger’n your fist who straightens out all the troubles of an American small town. sk YOUR LOCAL THEATRE when these Paramount Hits Play