March 2, 1940. Mrs Alf Me Landon, Topelm, KansaSe Dear Alf: | Tt was good to see you last night, and I want you to know that your loyalty and influence had much to do with Kansas‘ victory. The boys look on you as their patron saint of athietics in Kansas. You are alymys henry and they appreciate it very muthe Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAs Al Varsity Basketball Coache ALF M. LANDON TOPEKA February 26, 1940. Dr. FF. Cs Alien, Athletie Office, University of Kansas, Lawrence. Dear Phog: Please send me four tickets to the game next Friday night, with memo. of the price, and I will oe return mail. s i With best wishes, Sincerely yours, ges my My. Jack Laffer, Generval sgext, ® Northwestern Mutual Insurance Coc, Wichite, Kansas Deas? Jace shasihs iu Gi ine iemnleelé Seealahie ti the Kansas boys. a ea Tie Linesteden Shake wehths ieemancie helt Jayhewicers « Please ek, dla thes, ay tibiae oat Tt think he has a ee I know he will go placets | With all good wishes, 1 an Very sincerely yours, FOAsAH Manager, NeGsiede Basketball Toummements Lawrence, Kansas Maxoh 26, 1940. Myre Re He Lynn, Firet National Bank Bldge, Oklahoma, City, Oklae Dear Bobbys . I am hastily aclmowledging your generous letter and eqwilly generous gift to Ralph Millere I passed it on to him because at the time I thought it might help his morale. I will explain to you the background of the thing when this rush is overe We greatly apprec- diate your thought of us, and your wewerving loyaltys Very sinmerely yous, Memager, NeCeAcis Basketball Tournaments by bods if ie Gal & il; ar af 21 at sila, 7 ge ial ed® ges gee a38 Snes gt BR eeagie gags GBR gages? 8 au 2 be 4 : Hi ine wes B 3 gee diss bys 3 io sts a3 April 19, 1940. tion, are Director of Physical Bdueation and Recreation, Fraternally yours, Varsity Basketball Coaches &. COae First National Bldge, Olklahem. City, Oklas Dear Bobbys Eile | tt 3 AL add a iy thenk imouw With all good wishes, I an ‘ire Bobby Lynn, FCAsAH KERR-—LYNN & Co. FIRST NATIONAL BUILDING ‘Hei ‘. sp tt f fb it : a “a1 Hy i ig pitas iH Bigs ae ut i iis; it i ttt, ae S ia i HE dita f Hl a ft AG + HE Tt i it i I if a inti] ea it bas ‘ll Z ited Hh if iii ri (ot GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT ARNO F. HEINRICH, V.P.& FACY. SUPT. LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER O.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. R.C. CAMPBELL, ViCE PRESIDENT REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR LES R.FREEBURG, VicE PRES.& TREAS KARL H. ROYER, MOSE. MANAGER KEITH W.DANCY, CREDIT MANAGER bowie Chonernua, ATHLETIC GOODS, SG WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING PRETA/L KANSAS CITY,MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO BOSTON, MASS. DALLAS, TEXAS CHICAGO, 1Lt. ST. PAUL, MINN. ST. Lovur1s, ms. DETROIT, MICH. DENVER, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE,N.C. PHILADELPHIA,PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON,D.C. KANSAS CITY,KANS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, !OWA WORCESTER,MASS. Aawsas, Crappy Mo, July 24,1940 Dre Forrest Ce. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Doctor: The Foremaster Driver must be jinxed - first, the head is broken while in your possession - and then the shaft is broken while in ours! The club came in this morning, and while being sent from our receiving department on the fourth floor down to the golf department for inspection, the club got caught in the door of the dummy elevator and the shaft was broken in two. This means that now we have a broken head, a broken shaft, and as there isn't very much either one of us can do with only the grip, we arereplecing the club. This is being sent to you without charge today, and we hope it will look so good and feel so good thet you will appreciate that when it comes to making golf clubs, my good friend K. Smith takes the runner-up position. The nature of the break on the head shows that the club has been thrown or whemmed down on the ground rather violently - the nature of the break shows that it was caused from a blow on the back part of the club rather than on the face, so it isn't likely that contact with a golf ball caused the break. Can it be that Bobby has a temper something like the one his Uncle Pete used to have on the baseball field? Very cordi yours , Les RK. Freeburg LOWE & CAMPBELL LRF/rw DRAKE UNIVERSITY DES MOINES, IOWA OFFICE OF THE BUSINESS MANAGER March 2, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Forrest: Thank you very, very much for your nice letter of February 19. Reson S. Jones was the Relays committee member who passed away. You will of course remember him as the man who acted as assistant referee for many years. He was a grand fellow. Dean Alfred J. Pearson also died as the result of coronary difficulty. He was the dean of the department of Liberal Arts, but not connected with the Relays. You will recall that he was a former American minister to Finland and Poland and a grand man. He was a native of Kansas and a graduate of Bethany College, Lindsborg. Best personal regards. very truly yours, id ss “atte . Ee Co Lytton, Business Manager. bn Recreation, March Gy 1940. this of lYe Director of Physical Education and Varsity Basketball Coachs Vie will be happy to see you on the WESTERN UNION Oklahome City, Oklae March 2, 1940. Dre Forrest Ce Allen. The Oklahoma. Alumni extend you and your team heartiest congratulations on the victory over Missouri last evenings. We are anticipating with pleasure your visit here on the 8th and will be rooting for you one hundred per cent at the Oklahoma gamee Re He Lynne € : Pe é ‘ 3 i a | | oe iu uy OW i . ie : i ej LINCOLN RECKEATION BOARD Affiliated with the National Recreation Association CITY HALL “te 2-3884 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Dr. J. STANLEY WELCH, Chairman OREN S. COPELAND, Mayor PROF. H. E. BRADFORD, Vice Chairman D. L. ERICKSON, Director of Parks MRS. FRED R. EASTERDAY, Secretary M. C. LEFLER, Supt. of Schools JAMES C. LEWIS, Supt. of Recreation W. A. ROBBINS, Pres. Bd. of Education March 6, 1940 Phog Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I notice by the literature sent out by the Nelson sprinkler equipment company that you are using their equipment on your athletic field. We are installing a watering system on our Pioneer golf course and are looking into the relative merits of the different sprinklers. Have you found your installation to be satisfactory? I will appreciate this information and keep it confidential. Yours sincerely, Superintendent of Recreation c JCL:D COMMUNITY CENTERS—BASEBALL—MARBLE TOURNAMENT—PLAYGROUND CIRCUS—HANDCRAFT—BASKETBALL—SWIMMING—ZOO DAY—SOFT BALL—PICNIC SERVICE—COMMUNITY VARIETY SHOWS—TENNIS—HORS ESHOES—SKATING—SOCIAL RECREATION—ADULT RECREATION CLASS- ES—ICE HOCKEY—COASTING HILLS—CHRISTMAS PARADE—STORY TELLING—HIKING—-TOUCH FOOTBALL—VOLLEY BALL—JUNIOR BASEBALL —MARIONETTES—CROQUET—ATHLETIC TOURNAMENTS—MUNY FIELDS—PLAYGROUNDS—GIRLS BEACON CLUBS—BACKYARD PLAYGROUNDS— GOLF CLASSES—COMMUNITY PAGEANTS—ASSOCIATED YOUTH CLUBS—TABLE TENNIS. g oe ms | 3 _ all i 2 uli fg it il ae i / pi ub i 3 2 *. ha, actly HE Gi aa Haroh G, 1920. The gune Friday night will determine whether er not there wait he & thitoosty G84 Par ths Bg ate Sheisdcnatiie, if Okdlehem wins, and there is a threse ee ee an ee Oe ene ee ee ee heave to schedule play-offs early the following week to determine the representative to 1 in the NeCehehe pap tournament to be held in “Nansas City on March * play-off on March 1] and 12. . «Trust that it will nob be nesessary for me to miss your basketball banquet on the 12th. lowever, I shall — advise you just as soon as possible. | Very sincerely yours, 7 bireeter of Piyeioal ‘iuoation end Rosrentton, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coache L. W. GLINKMAN, DIRECTOR Oo. L. HIEBER, TREASURER W. ©. HENDERSON, CLERK LANE PUBLIC SCHOOLS G. E. Trusy, SUPERINTENDENT LANE, KANSAS March 4, 1940 Dr. F. C. Allen Dept. of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Congratulations on your well deserved victory over Missouri last Friday night. I believe that was the game in which all Kansas was keenly interested. Knowing the past performances of your team, your vic- tory was not unexpected but most gratify- ing to us all. Best wishes at Norman. Incidentially our basketball banquet will begin at 7 O'clock and the date is March 12... I am looking forward with a: great deal of pleasure in spending that evening with you. Again thanking you, I remain Sincerely yours GET:DH L. W. GLINKMAN, DIRECTOR oO. L. HIEBER, TREASURER W. O. HENDERSON, CLERK LANE PUBLIC SCHOOLS G. E. TruBy, SUPERINTENDENT LANE, KANSAS March 11, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens Received your letter and we are very regret— ful that you are unable to be with us as we had planned. However we are very anxious for you to spend an evening with us. The banquet has there- _ fore been postponed. We will have the banquet any time in the near future that you can find time to come. Wishing you the very best of luck in the play- offs and in the N.C.A.A. basketball tournament. We'll be pulling for you in this section of the country. With kindest regards, I remain Very truly yours GET: DH March 13, 19406. We'll be seeing you in Olcham City Saturday. With best wishes, I en Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edusetion and Recreation, PCAs AH Varsity Basketball Conshe CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate Ms J 5 } ; DEaDa ia Telegram or Cable- NEKADI9 32 SER=FN OKLAHOMACITY OKLA 13 106) | s DR F C ALLEN= ‘UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS | ‘PAT THE BOYS ON THE BACK FOR MEs THEY CERTAINLY PLAYED A GRAND GAME LAST NIGHT AND DESERVE A LOT OF CREDITs LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AND THE TEAM SATURDAY NIGHT= -R H LYNNs . THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE WESTERN UNION Oklahoma City Merch 13, 1940. Dre ¥. Ce Allene Pat the boys on the back for mee They certainly played a grand geme last night and deserve @ lot of credite Looking forward to seeing you and the team Saturday night. Re Ho Lynne WESTERN UNION Oklahom City March 13, 1940. Dre Fe Ceo Allene Pat the boys on the back for mee They certainly played a grand game last night and deserve & lot of cvetits Looking forward to seeing you and the team Saturday night. , Re He Lymm, PASADENA, CALIFORNIA ede you tee your hintenes inj the spiendid publicity in somection with our NeCehshe ~ Big Six play-off in Wichita. You and your paper were yery generous in publicizing the ¥, Again thenicing you fer your fine cooperation, I an | — Very sincerely yours, Manager, NeCeAek. Basketball Tournaments FCAsAH CLASS OF SERVICE T : 1201 SYMBOLS + 2 is a —_ 0 DL=Day Letter elegram or e- = am unless its de- a ) * NL ues Letrer erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. NEWCOMB CARLTON J. ©. WILLEVER \ Ship Radiogram fo CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination 05 AN! KAD23 40 SER=FN OKLAHOMACITY OKLA 2 1021f49"% 2 M1) F C ALLEN» BASKETBALL COACH= ‘UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS THE OKLAHOMA ALUMNI EXTEND YOU AND YOUR TEAM HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS ON THE VICTORY OVER MISSOURI LAST EVENINGS WE ARE ANTICIPATING WITH PLEASURE YOUR VISIT HERE ON THE 8TH AND WILL BE ROOTING FOR YOU 100% AT THE OKLAHOMA GAME= =R H LYNNS. : im / : ) STH 100%% ? ye THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATIONS. March 18, 1940 Gwinn Henry, . athletic director, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Gwinn: This is just a brief note in passing to express my high regard for the splendid advance ——- work cone for us recently Horace rece tt. Big Six indoor track meet and also on the N.C.A.A. Asketball. I am sure that all of the other press association and newspaper eperte writers in town will concur with my opinion that Horace was the most valuable man in the hall on the night of the indoor meet. In addition, the advance brochure and statistics which he mde AVAilable to each of us in plenty of time for our roundups and dope stories was the most comprehensive I have ever seen, Today he dropped in with complete rosters of each of the four ~ competing teams in the N.C.A,A meet, including first names, weight height and home town, in addition to the season record of each team as its games were played. All of this, Gwinn, is mde more emphatic to us by the strict contrast which was offered in the handling of publicity for the national intercollegiate basketball tournament by a private press syndicate. This aeeeeote at no time Gay ie the weeks before the tournament made any effort to provide us with advances with which to build up interest in the meet, nor was it possible for us to even find out which teams had entered the meet until two aays before it started. My only motive in writing to you at this time is to thank you for sending Horace around when he was needed most. I guess it is just wishful thinking, however, to hope that he might be available this week-end. ith the Kansas relays and your own basketball team in the meet to be exploited, he probably will have his hands full without taking care of us. Anyway that is how things stand. i Best R 9 Govt : Carl Lundquist. ccf FCA